Guest Post - Color Trends to Match in Your Home Interior for a Fresh Summer Look

Home and interior design can be a fun project if you’re looking for a change of environment. You only need to learn essential home interior ideas to make the home interior upgrade more manageable, and you can begin with the color theory. 

 Color theory is a big part of choosing colors for your home, allowing you to identify contrast and create unity. Once you learn the concept’s basic principles, you’re on your way to creating an interior design masterpiece. If you’re looking for colors to incorporate into your home interior, this article will discuss several color trends and how you can apply them to your house’s overall design. 

What is color matching? 

Color matching is choosing colors for design projects. The goal of color matching is to create a balance between your preferred colors, resulting in a pleasing effect. 

Choosing the right colors for the home interior can be challenging, especially when so many options are available. A good start is familiarizing yourself with the color theory and color schemes, which can provide helpful guidelines for selecting colors that blend well.  

5 Trending Colors and Their Appropriate Matches 

1. Blue and Green: Indigo and Turquoise 

Indigo and turquoise have unique personalities. Indigo is more sophisticated, while turquoise has more of a hippie vibe. Indigo is an intense blue that goes well with black and other dark colors.  

Meanwhile, turquoise is bright and cheery but not as fierce as indigo. Nevertheless, indigo still has a lot of depth. It seamlessly complements other colors and can stand on its own as the main focal point. 

These shades of blue go well with floorings, walls, and seats. However, choosing one over the other will depend on the motif you want. Do you want something that feels chic and sophisticated? Then, go with indigo. Prefer something bright and whimsical? Turquoise is the perfect home interior and furniture color. 

2. Yellow and Brown: Habañero Gold, Dijon, Honey, and Chestnut 

Habañero gold, dijon, honey, and chestnut are trending colors because they perfectly combine warm and cool tones. These shades of yellow are also nice colors to incorporate into your home decorating if you want a fresh summer look. 

Habañero gold is a beautiful warm tan and is excellent for any room in the house. It brings in a lot of natural light and relaxes your space. A perfect shade for summer and fall, honey is similar to habañero gold but has more gray undertones that give it a more sophisticated look when used together with other colors like brown or black. 

Dijon is a medium brown shade with very subtle hints of red and gold. It is a versatile color easily usable for any part of your home interior design. Lastly, chestnut’s rich brown hue will make any room feel cozy and comfortable! It’s great for all seasons and works well with most interior design styles. 

3. Yellow, Orange, and Pink: Lemon Verbena, Orange Pop, and Aurora Pink 

Fresh, clean, and bright color palettes typically dominate the color trends for summer. The trend is all about light, airy hues that will bring a brightening effect to any home, and these bright color shades tick the boxes. 

 Lemon verbena takes its inspiration from the citrus fruit. It’s bright, fresh, and calm, adding a vibrant touch to your home’s interior design. 

Next is orange pop, a shade inspired by the citrus fruit orange. The color adds a fun vibe to your home’s interior design. This color is an excellent choice if you want to give interior design a pop of color without making too bold of a statement. 

Meanwhile, aurora pink is a shade alluding to the aurora borealis or the northern lights phenomenon. Aurora pink adds a touch of magic to your home’s interior design and is perfect for creating an intimate ambiance in your living room or bedroom. 

4. Yellow and Green: Mellow Yellow and Verdant Green 

Mellow yellow is one of the most versatile colors you can use in many different ways throughout your home. For example, if you’re bold enough, you can have it as an accent color on one wall or as an entire room theme. 

Another excellent way to utilize mellow yellow is to have it in pops of paint on furniture pieces like accent chairs or side tables. You could also add accents in other hues, like blue or purple, to make things more interesting. 

If you want a color to balance mellow yellow’s boldness, then verdant green is the perfectly complimentary color. A color characterized by its cool touch, this lush-looking green is ideal for rooms that are too hot or cold. It’s also a good color if you want to bring some nature into your home. 

5. Blue and Yellow: Blue Atoll and Vibrant Yellow 

Quite possibly, the trending color combination that is most “electrifying” in this list is blue and yellow, specifically blue atoll and vibrant yellow.  

Blue atoll and vibrant yellow colors are trending, and it’s easy to see why. The colors are warm and inviting and feel like sunshine. They are also easy to work with in almost any room. 

The shade of blue atoll combines blue and gray, inspired by the ocean water around Fiji. It’s a calming color that works well in bedrooms and bathrooms but can also be great for accent walls.  

Vibrant yellow is a bright version of gold—think goldenrod or canary yellow. It is easy to incorporate into your home interior design as it provides an energizing summer-esque hue that evokes happiness and optimism. 

Mix, Match, Maximize 

It’s often a misconception that you need a vast knowledge of home interior design techniques to redecorate a space. However, a basic understanding of color matching or repainting is already a good foundation and an inexpensive way to spice up your space, whether it be your condo, house, or room. 

Author Bio:
James Sab Labrigas is a Marketing Officer for HTLand, Inc., developer of Mandani Bay. He remains inspired at work through remarkable green architecture and interior design projects. Outside of the property and real estate industry, you may find him painting, playing volleyball, or doing photography.

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