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Avoid Disaster: When To Call In Professional Home Reno Help

A lot of people dream of renovating their own homes without any professional help required. For most people, this is about saving as much money as possible because home renovations can be costly. However, there will come a time when it’s time for you to put down the drill and back away slowly, letting a professional take over. Here are some times when you certainly do NOT do it yourself. 

1. Electrical work 

This should go without saying, but unless you are a certified, qualified electrician, you do not touch anything to do with your electricity beyond turning a breaker box on and off. The risk of electrocution if you start messing around with something you don’t understand is incredibly high, or the risk of fire because of improper wiring is also incredibly high. 

You can’t afford to take that risk with your own life or the lives of any loved ones in the home. If unsure what you’re doing and messing with the electrics, stop and call in an electrician

2. You’re struggling to figure it out 

If you find yourself puzzled over a problem for a few days, and you’ve asked around, and your friends have shrugged as well, perhaps it’s time to seek professional help. There’s only so much knowledge in your head. 

That’s why it’s essential to bring professional people into the fold. They have a different knowledge base and a different set of skills that will hugely benefit you. There’s no shame in admitting defeat when it comes to home renovations. 

3. You’re compromising structural integrity 

Another one goes without saying type-things, but any time you are going to or thinking about compromising the structural integrity of your space — whether replacing a post and beam, taking down a wall, or installing a new kitchen, you must call in a professional to do the job for you. It’s safer, and if there’s a problem, your insurance will likely cover the cost of repairs. 

If you’re doing it yourself, making a mistake, and causing damage, you’re likely on your own. As fun as it might be to get a bunch of your mates together and give your walls what-for, it is not advisable. The risk to yourself is generally not worth the reward. 

Any time you’re doing something that compromises the structural integrity of your space, get a professional to help you. Better to be safe than sorry. 

4. You’re pressed for time 

If you have a specific deadline for your home renovation project, then it is much easier, although not cheaper, to call in a professional and get them to do the work you need. You’ll spend the money, but save time. 

Professionals know how to work to a deadline safely and efficiently. They have the tools and manpower to complete the work on time and spec. Don’t wait for your mates to come over on the weekends because you need help with things X or Y. Get a professional to do the job the day you need it done. 

This is especially true if you’re renovating to sell or buying to flip. Realtor Darren Robertson gives the following advice:

“Flipping a house is defined as buying, renovating, and selling a property within 12 months. It’s a great way to make money, so long as you research the types of renovations that will increase your home value. For example, loft and garage conversions are two of the most popular ways of adding value to a property by adding more space while combining bedrooms, personal and permanent customization, or using bright. Bold colors may devalue the price of your home.”

5. Complex plumbing work

With the potential for electrical DIY problems, plumbing DIY can be an absolute disaster waiting for somewhere to happen. If you don’t get the O-ring in the right spot, or if your nuts and bolts aren’t tight enough —  water everywhere and thousands of dollars worth of insurance damage will likely not be covered once they find out you did it. 

If you need plumbing help, call a professional plumber to do the work for you. They not only know what they’re doing, but their insurance covers them, and your insurance covers you. You won’t save yourself any money by trying to cut corners and then getting caught short. 

One can do plenty of things for oneself during a renovation. It’s both cost-effective, and you can learn new skills. But there are some things you shouldn’t touch, mainly if you haven’t got the necessary skillset. It’s dangerous and reckless. Leave it to the professionals, always.