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Common Places in Your Home That Can Grow Mold

Is mold a bacterium? Is it an animal? Mold is a growing structure of fungi that spreads spores, and it isn’t a good kind of fungi either. Instead, it’s an unsightly growth that forms on damp or decaying organic matter, and you shouldn’t ingest its spores. Read on to learn about the common places in your home that can grow mold and how you can prevent it from developing in them.

In Filing Cabinets

This place may seem a little weird for mold, and that’s because it sort of is. You don’t store water or wet things in your cabinets. However, they can hold lots of paper and folders, and it gets incredibly dark in them. If your home or office is also high in humidity, these places can quickly become mold headquarters. Paper comes from wood pulp, an organic material that mold loves to feed on. If you fear that your home may be too damp and will grow mold, consider investing in a dehumidifier so that you can keep mold away and your documents protected.

Within Pool Enclosures

Mold loves damp areas, so it’s no wonder that you’ll often find it growing around your pool screen. Pools can splash, and rain can fall, turning your pool enclosure into a hot and damp area. As a result, even if there’s no direct water splashing on the screens, you can likely find mold on them.

Thankfully, there are things you can do to get the mold off of your pool enclosure. Power washing is one of the best ways to get rid of mold quickly. You can also soak the screens in a vinegar-and-water solution and scrub off any remaining mold. Doing this is an effective method of getting off most, if not all, mold hiding within the screen.

Under Your Sinks

Another place you can often find mold is underneath your sinks. As mentioned already, mold thrives in warm and damp environments, and there’s usually no better place than right next to your water pipes. If your sinks have condensation or plumbing leaks, you should do everything you can to stop them before they worsen and become mold hotspots. In the meantime, you can clean the cabinet area with a bleach or hydrogen peroxide cleaning solution to stop mold from spreading even more.

These common places in your home can grow mold, and you should do everything to stop that growth and get rid of the mold when you see it. Some areas are obvious, but others are areas that many don’t often think about. Now that you know all the places where mold can grow, hopefully, you can make your home a little bit safer.