5 End-of-Summer Repairs to Make to Your Home

Once summer begins to wind down and the weather cools off, there are some key maintenance tasks that must be completed. With a little bit of preventative maintenance, you can rest assured knowing that your home is going to remain safe and comfortable during the cold winter months.

Cracked or Missing Shingles

Repairing roof damage is one of your most important jobs as a homeowner, and that type of maintenance could help you avoid serious issues. Before the first winter storm, you should inspect the roof for damaged or missing shingles. Luckily, a roofing contractor should be able to replace a handful of damaged shingles within just a few hours.

Limited Hot Water

No one wants to turn on their shower only to realize that they have little or no hot water. If your water is no longer getting as hot as you’d like or the pressure has dropped, then it is time to service the water heater. During a seasonal service call, a plumber will be able to drain the tank, sanitize the unit, and adjust the temperature settings.

A Discolored Deck

After being exposed to harsh sunlight for months, you might notice that your deck is starting to fade. While a little bit of discoloration usually isn’t a big problem, it can lead to worse damage down the road. The last few weeks of summer are the perfect time to clear off your deck, power wash the wood, and apply a fresh coat of sealant.

Aging HVAC System

During the warm and humid summer months, you probably used your AC or HVAC system quite a bit. While heating and cooling systems should last for quite some time, they still require seasonal maintenance. Well before the temperatures drop too low, you should contact a company like STA SO COOL HVAC to have that system inspected and serviced by a professional technician.

Chipped Exterior Paint

In addition to improving the appearance of your home, exterior paint is also going to protect all of the underlying materials. If you have noticed any cracks or chips in the exterior paint, then you might want to think about adding a fresh layer of paint while the weather is still nice. A thick coat of exterior paint will reduce your risk of water damage and other issues during the upcoming winter storms.

Home maintenance might seem overwhelming, but those simple projects are going to help you avoid much bigger issues later on. Regular home maintenance could also improve your home’s efficiency and lower your energy bills during the hottest and coldest months of the year.

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