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4 Reasons Why You Should Inspect Your Roof Regularly as a Homeowner

A home will not maintain itself. Performing routine home maintenance is part of the responsibility of being a homeowner. If you want to protect your home and your investment into it, there are different things you should inspect on a regular basis to see if issues that could pose trouble in the future are developing. One of these parts of your home you should inspect regularly is your roof. Below are four reasons why.

Weather Can Damage Your Roof

Just because your roof was fine a couple months ago does not mean that is the case today. A lot can happen to a roof in a few hours. A windstorm, for example, may have blown off a number of your shingles that aren’t clearly visible from the street level in front of your house. To find these missing shingles, you may need to get up higher where you can examine your entire roof.

You May Require Roof Repair Immediately

If your roof has been damaged, you may require roof repair as soon as possible. A damaged roof can lead to extensive damage to your house. If there is a hole in your roof, for example, water may be able to leak into your attic. A roof repair fix that may have been relatively cheap to perform can end up being a much more extensive and expensive problem if not fixed immediately. The wood inside your home could be damaged, and you could even suffer a black mold outbreak..

Drainage May Be Interrupted

Just because there isn’t a giant gaping hole in your roof does not mean you do not have a serious problem that needs to be fixed as soon as possible. For example, if your roof, gutters, and downspouts are inundated with dirt, gunk, and debris, the path made for water to safely drain off of your roof and away from your house may be interrupted. This can, instead, redirect water to the inside of your walls where it can do massive damage.

Aging and Weathering

Even if you have had no massive storms recently, that does not mean that you have no damage to your roof. Damage can also be produced by more simple things like aging and weathering over a very long period of time. This is damage that does not come immediately but slowly develops as years pass. In any case, this kind of roof damage must also be fixed before it leads to more serious problems.

Your roof requires routine inspection. If you don’t inspect it as needed, you may not detect damage done by things like storms or aging. If that damage goes undetected, it can lead to issues that will be far more destructive and costly for your home.