Ways to Prevent Clogs in Your Septic Tank

Septic tanks are a vital component to our homes. They take care of waste safely and efficiently, which allows us to use less water on toilets and sinks. Sometimes, however, clogs can happen in your septic tank that will cause the bacteria processing the waste to back up. With the help of these tips and tricks, you can prevent clogs from happening in your septic tank. Here are four ways to prevent your septic tank from clogging up.

Use a Biosorb Disinfectant

A biosorb disinfectant is an excellent stain remover that works wonders to get rid of grease, mold, and grime stains on the walls of your home. This product is designed to break down waste bacteria, allowing them to naturally release essential nutrients into the soil. If a tank becomes blocked with solid waste, the extra chemicals can irritate and inflame the skin in its vicinity if you do not treat it soon enough.

Don’t Flush Hair and Lint Down the Toilet

Most people think they should flush as little as possible, but most clogs come from hair and lint trapped in the pipes. If you have items that you know will interfere with your plumbing, please do not throw them down the toilet. Avoiding a clog before it happens rather than chiseling muck out of your septic tank.

Install a Septic Tank Cover

A cover for your septic tank is an excellent way to prevent it from getting clogged. A cover will protect your septic tank from being exposed to the outside elements, and it will limit the amount of solids that get trapped in the pipes. With a smaller hole, you can save money on expenses as well as taxes.

Install a Septic Tank Flush

If you have an older septic system and cannot install a septic tank cover, installing a septic tank flush is the next best thing. This product will allow waste to quickly pass through the pipes and eliminate most of the blockage that is keeping your waste flowing. The majority of clogs come from solids settling in the pipes, which creates an issue that prevents waste from flowing. Contact septic tank services to have a flush installed. 

These tips and tricks are quick and simple, but the benefits can be tremendous if you implement them into your everyday life. In addition, if you apply these tips, you will avoid major plumbing problems and save money in the long run. 


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