7 Ways to Get More Storage Space in Your Small Bedroom

Living in tiny apartments is very popular nowadays since it decreases home maintenance costs. It also takes less time to clean small homes, which is significant in the era of busy modern lifestyles. The biggest downside is the lack of space in them. Since even bigger homes sometimes have relatively small bedrooms, this article will focus on ways to get more storage space in a small bedroom.

1. Custom-made built-in shelves and wardrobe

If you are considering renovating your home, your small bedroom deserves extra attention. Investing in built-in shelves and wardrobes that you can fit into sections of this small room will reward you with extra space in the long run. Built-in custom-made furniture will capitalize on every piece of space in the corners of your room, leaving the central area as accessible as possible. Together with furniture makers, you can design the shelves and wardrobe to be floor-to-ceiling and slightly less deep than they commonly are. If your bedroom has a slanted ceiling, custom-made furniture is your only solution. 

2. Rent out a storage unit

The simplest way to get more storage space in your small bedroom is to reduce the amount of your stuff in it. Understandably, the notion of getting rid of your belongings can sound very stressful. Fortunately, you don't have to part with them for good. You can rent a storage unit and house your possessions, clearing up space in your room. Once you do that, make sure you take the necessary steps to maximize the space. You might want to add more stuff there later, so optimizing it from the get-go would be the best way to make the most of a storage unit. 

3. Bookcase built into your headboard

Book collectors will love this idea. You could design your headboard into a unique and highly practical bookcase. Not only does this design look compelling, but it will also get your precious volume closer to your heart! Most of us find reading most convenient before going to sleep, so putting books inside the headboard makes a lot of sense. When it comes to the actual design of your overhead library, it can take many forms – from a semi-circle to the usual square. The only downside to this idea is that finding the exact model you want in a store might be challenging. This type of interior design piece that will create more storage space in a small bedroom will probably have to be custom-built. But it will pay off in the long run with its undeniable practical value. 

4. Double-duty furniture

In a world of tiny bedrooms, no piece of furniture does only one job. A door can have a built-in mirror, which can also serve as a jewelry box. If there is an ottoman, you can use its internals to store socks, for example. Also, consider installing a window bench with drawers you can use as a reading nook and storage space for whatever fits. The idea is to turn all the free space within the furniture into a unique storage area. Let your creativity loose, and you will surely produce fantastic ideas related to this topic. If you are moving from one home to another, try to ensure your unique pieces get the attention they deserve. The only way to guarantee that is to hire professionals such as Divine Moving and Storage that will safely transport all your furniture from one location to another. 

5. Minimalist approach – furniture that is compact or foldable

Minimalism has become popular almost alongside the rise in popularity of small apartments. To some extent, these two notions follow the same line of thinking – less is more. However, we would like to add that the "less" should be able to neatly fold up and get out of the way in case you need even more space. In small bedrooms, the foldable chair is a good space saver. You might need a chair if you like to spread the clothes for the next day somewhere. But once you are ready to go and the clothes are on you, folding the chair and putting it behind the wardrobe would be helpful. You could even get a foldable bed if your bedroom is super tiny. A lamp can be extendable too since you can put lighting on the walls of your room. Generally, a minimalist way of living is suitable for small spaces, so consider trying that approach. 

6. Utilizing the area under the bedwill guarantee you more storage space in a small bedroom

As we mentioned before, it is wise to utilize all empty furniture crevices and turn them into storage space. The area under your bed deserves extra attention since it can make a huge difference. Not all beds have the ability to serve as storage, so think very carefully when you are buying one. Most beds have a mechanism that allows you to easily lift the mattress and put whatever suits you in the storage compartment below. There are beds with a giant drawer underneath, which is helpful, but this design requires that you unblock the space in front of it so you can open it. Also, there are designs with an elevated bed mattress and plenty of drawers from the bottom section on all sides. Generally, the bed occupies a large portion of the room for most bedrooms, so using its interiors is crucial for increasing storage space. 

7. Decorative baskets and chests that will be used as storage

Decorative items don't have to serve only the esthetic purpose in a room. Nice-looking baskets and chests can be beautiful and practical at the same time. Arrange them around your small bedroom and fill them with objects you don't know where to put. For example, wooden chests can hold extra pillows and blankets. Decorative baskets are suitable for all those small items you haven't the slightest idea where to put – from spare buttons to wallets you are not using. There is a large selection of these useful decorative pieces in online shops, and you can find plenty of classic models. bedroom

Final thoughts

Struggling with too little storage space is a common problem. Nevertheless, with good planning and creative furniture design, you can get more storage space in a small bedroom than it initially seemed possible. Put your mind and imagination into it, and soon, you will safely store your belongings and visually expand your bedroom area, giving it a decluttered look - a win-win situation.

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