Does Your Roofing Need Insulation?
Whether you oversee a large factory or a small woodworking shop, employee comfort is one of your most important concerns. On top of that, you want to make sure to maintain an indoor environment with temperatures that stay within the operating limits of each piece of machinery. While many people simply turn to large and expensive HVAC systems to maintain the temperature in a facility, there is another variable that you can control: the energy efficiency of the roof. By adding insulation to this facility component, you can do a lot to help keep your facility safe and comfortable.
Other Comfort Options
One factor that determines whether or not you need to add insulation to your roof is to think about the other comfort options available at the facility. For example, if your facility has good overall cross-ventilation, then you may not need to add insulation to help keep the facility cooler. Likewise, if you're using geothermal heating to keep the facility warm in the winter, adding insulation may or may not be the best use of funds for your particular situation.
Type of Work Performed
Suppose the work that's performed in your facility is largely hands-off. In that case, roof insulation might not be much of a concern since machines can typically handle more extreme temperatures than people. However, every facility requires human interaction at some point, and many facilities utilize human resources every day. Therefore, if you want your facility to be inviting to workers and contractors, then commercial polyurethane spray foam insulation is definitely worth considering. Taking care of your employees will ensure that they help take care of your company.
Overall Utility Costs
Rising utility costs are a major concern for companies wanting to remain profitable. If your facility's utility costs make up an outsized portion of your budget, adding insulation to your roof could help take care of this problem. Roof insulation helps keep the facility warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, thus greatly reducing the amount you need to run your HVAC system while still maintaining comfort.
Age of Facility
Improving your roof's insulation can help take care of other problems at the same time. For example, before adding insulation, contractors will often inspect your roof to ensure there are no leaks that could damage the insulation. Therefore, if you manage an older facility, adding roof insulation is a great way to take charge of the condition of the facility without spending an overwhelming amount of money.
Future Planning
If your company is planning on expanding, gaining an understanding of roof insulation can greatly help you as you build new facilities. When you install roof insulation in a new facility, you can do a lot more to integrate that insulation with the structure of the building. This means that the insulation can provide even more efficiency so that the lifetime operating costs of the building go down.