How to Find Roof Leaks and What to Do About It
Roof leaks can cause major water damage to your home if they’re left unfixed. Some roof leaks are easy to spot, but others can be hidden and cause water damage without you realizing it until the damage is widespread. By knowing what to look for and where to check for roof leaks, you’ll be able to resolve any problems sooner before they get out of hand.
Moisture Spots
Moisture spots on walls, ceilings, or even floors in your home could mean that the roof is leaking. If you live in a multistory home, check the upper level to see if there are any dark, discolored or moldy places that may have resulted from water damage. These spots may also be smelly if the wood is damaged or mold or mildew has grown because of moisture exposure.
Water in the Attic
If your home has an attic, you’ll want to check this area regularly for water. Any standing water, moisture spots, or worn materials could have resulted from a roof leak. If your attic smells particularly musty or moldy, you should also check the ceiling for any possible roof leaks. You may have especially large gaps in your roof if you notice a lot of water in your attic, and a roof replacement might be necessary if the openings on your roof can’t be repaired with more conservative methods.
Roof Deterioration
You should also have the roof inspected or check the roof yourself for deteriorated materials that could indicate a water leak. Misplaced shingles are often a sign that the materials underneath them have rotted because of water damage, and the water could be getting into your home if the materials have worn through completely. Water can also leak through any other materials that are frayed or worn.
Rusty Nails
A leak may even be found in an area on your roof where you discover rusty nails. Some of these nails may have also popped out of their holes because of moisture that’s leaking into the deeper surfaces of your roof and possibly into your home.
What to Do About Roof Leaks
Roof leaks should never be ignored, and you can take proactive measures to stop your roof from leaking and prevent the problem from worsening. You can try to patch up some smaller leaks with materials if you have some roofing knowledge and training, but it’s generally best to call a professional to resolve the problem by restoring or replacing your roof.