Your Post-Storm Damage Home Checklist

After a huge storm hits your area, you might be tempted to breathe a sigh of relief if your home is still standing. But don't stop there. Here's a checklist of things to examine for signs of storm damage that require immediate repair.


One of the most obvious signs of storm damage can be found on your roof. Missing shingles, leaky gutters, and broken downspouts can be caused by high winds or heavy precipitation as well as ice buildup. The chimney might be missing a few bricks as well. Unless you have extensive experience, you might not be able to see all the problems that the storm left behind. Meanwhile, moisture from rainfall or snowfall could be seeping into your attic or walls. Contact a professional roofer like Top Ridge Roofing & Restoration for a comprehensive inspection and repair estimate so that you don't have to worry about any damage you might have missed.


Residential siding is generally visible from the ground. So, you can usually see where it has been torn off or damaged by hail. However, you won't necessarily notice loosened siding that is ready to fall off with the next windblast. Take a close look at all areas of the siding for dents or dings as well as signs it is pulling away from the structure. You may want to have a siding expert take a look as well.


A home's windows often take the brunt of the storm unless they contain heavy glass and strong window casements. Older windows are especially susceptible to high wind damage. Check your panes of glass for evidence of cracking or chipping, especially if it was a hailstorm. Look around each window to see if the casement or frame came loose or pulled away to let moisture trickle into the home. Examine the shutters or awnings for signs that they are loose or damaged by falling tree branches.


Walk around the foundation to see if the soil was pushed away from your home due to heavy rain or melting ice. Moisture could be dripping into the basement, if so. Note any disintegration of the structural concrete or bricks due to wind or water. As the base on which your home sits, the foundation is one of the strongest structural elements, but check around to make sure the storm didn't cause any harm.

Put together a checklist of everything that needs attention. Decide which tasks you can handle, and which others require a professional contractor. Don't let the repairs wait, as the next storm could make the damage even worse and more expensive to fix.

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