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What To Do When Your HVAC System Breaks

Why does your HVAC system seem to have mechanical issues on the hottest or coldest days of the year? Sure, today's society is DIY, where people watch a video and try to make the repairs and save money. However, this is an expensive and highly delicate machine with water and electrical components, and an amateur shouldn't mess with it. You can quickly break something very costly or even be electrocuted. When your HVAC system breaks, it could be something straightforward. Here are a few things that could go wrong.

The Thermostat

If you have a programmable thermostat, something as minor as a dead battery can cause your system to malfunction. If you've noticed that your thermostat is not showing any signs of life or has a low battery sign, it may be the issue. If you have an old-fashioned turn-style thermostat, this won't apply.

It's Blowing Warm Air

Is your HVAC system blowing warm air or not keeping up with the demands of your household? It can be because you're low on refrigerant. You need a licensed technician to restore the refrigerant levels, and if there's a leak, it will need to be fixed first. A professional company, like Brinker Heating & Cooling Services, has technicians who are well versed in these matters, and they can resolve the issue for you quickly.

The Unit Keeps Kicking the Breaker

There are many reasons why your unit is kicking the breaker. However, you don't want to keep kicking it back on until you find the cause. Since this is likely an electrical component issue, you're playing with fire if you don't know what you're doing. It's possible the compressor has gone wrong, and this is a part that you must order from a dealer and have a professional install.

The Unit Has Iced Over

If your unit has iced over, it can be caused by several different reasons. First, if it's low on refrigerant, this can be the system's way of overcompensating to cool the home. Second, you may have your thermostat set too low. Some people expect their HVAC system to work wonders in the scorching hot summers, but they will only give you about a 20-degree difference from the outside temperatures.

While you may fix many things around your home, one thing you shouldn't attempt is your HVAC system. It's best to call in a professional to ensure that it's handled the first time correctly, or it could cost you more in the long run.