Guest Post - Spring Cleaning Your Work From Home Office Space

As the effects of the pandemic have slowly subsided, the ‘work from home’ movement might be one of the things to remain for years to come. Employees and employers alike have realized the benefits of working from your own office space at home, instead of commuting to another location every day. 

Now that your home office space has become a big part of your life, it is time to show it some love this spring! Since you spend hours every weekday in your office space, it would surely lift your spirits and increase your productivity to work in a cleaner and tidier space.

How can you clean your office space this spring?

With a proven link between clutter and increased stress levels, one of your first missions should be to rid your workspace of any unnecessary objects that might be causing clutter. If you are surrounded by visual distractions and impeded by objects, this is only going to distract you from the tasks at hand.

If you struggle to start tidying, try setting yourself a timer of 5-10 minutes just to get started. You’ll be surprised at how much you can get done in that time! Also, once you get started, you’ll be much more likely to feel like finishing the job.

Once everything unnecessary is out of the way, you can begin dusting and disinfecting your surfaces. Give everything a wipe with some antibacterial spray, including your desk, keyboard, monitors and mouse. 

If you are making your own bleach solution for your office space, try mixing a quart of water with four tablespoons of bleach for a solution to kill germs. If you choose to disinfect with alcohol, this should be at least 70% isopropyl alcohol. Be sure to clean any screens and surfaces you come into contact with often, such as cell phone screens or TV remotes!

What to do after cleaning up your office space?

Spring cleaning is not all about decluttering and eliminating germs! You can also improve your home office space by adding a couple of fun or inspirational items. Have a favorite photo of your family? Got an awesome piece of sports memorabilia? Enjoy being surrounded by plants? Find a home for a few things that bring you joy, and you will feel much happier and productive in your workspace. Remember, bright colors act as a stimulant to keep you on top of your game!

Jack Vale is a writer in partnership with Faxage online faxing service.

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