Removing Rust Stains from Toilets, Tubs, and Sink  

Streaks of orange or yellow rust staining your toilets, tubs, and sinks can indicate a plumbing issue and are very unsightly. Preventing rust stain build-ups in your plumbing fixtures requires regular cleaning using the right products and tools. Although the tendency is to use all-purpose cleaners to remove the stain, it will not remove the rust permanently, and chlorine bleach can make it permanent.  

The best compound to use is acid-based cleaners and products such as:  

  • Citric acid from lemon juice  

  • Acetic acid from distilled white vinegar  

  • Tartaric acid from cream of tartar  

  • Hydrochloric and Sulfuric acid found in commercial rust removers    

Before you start removing stubborn rust stains, it would be better to identify the source of the rust to prevent them from appearing in your fixtures.    

What Causes Rust Stains  

The primary cause of rust stains on your bathroom fixtures is iron oxide—the oxide forms when iron and oxygen react to moisture on uncoated surfaces. The presence of iron oxide causes rust stains left on your razor blade, shaving cream can, or around the sink's edge.   

However, the cause of rust stains found near the sink, tub drains, and toilet bowls are from the water that contains high levels of iron particulates or bacteria. You can attribute the source of iron to metal plumbing pipes, rusty water tanks, or untreated metal components in toilet tanks.  

Rust stains are common in hard water areas, especially if your water source is from the well. The combination of iron fragments and minerals in the water allows rust particles to hold on to bathroom fixtures' exposed porcelain or enamel surfaces. Although rust from hard water areas may seem inevitable, you can install specific devices to protect your fixtures and external components, such as water softeners and steel insulated gasketed access doors.  

How to Remove Rust Stains from Toilets, Tubs, and Sinks  

Depending on the frequency and number of people using the bathroom, you should schedule regular weekly cleaning to ensure cleanliness and sanitation. Keep the shower area, tubs, and sinks dry to prevent rust from staining your fixtures.  

Here are the things you need to help you remove rust stains:  

Equipment / Tools  

  • Scrub brush  

  • Old toothbrush  

  • Toilet bowl brush  

  • Spray bottle  

  • Microfiber cloth  


  • Lemon juice  

  • Distilled white vinegar  

  • Cleaning vinegar  

  • Cream of tartar  

  • Salt  

  • Baking soda  

  • Pumice powder or stick  

  • Plastic food wrap  

  • Commercial rust remover  

Cleaning Instructions:   

Here's a tip before you start cleaning. When removing rust stains, flush the toilet and immediately turn off the water supply to prevent the bowl from filling up with water. Doing so will make rust cleaning much more manageable and prevent the water from diluting the acidic solution.  

Option 1: Use Citric Acid  

Applying citric acid from lemon, grapefruit, limes, or powdered citric acid is a highly effective way of removing rust stains from your bathroom fixtures. If you use a fresh slice of citrus fruit, dip the cut edge in salt or baking soda to gently abrasion when scrubbing the stained area.  

For heavily stained fixtures, form a paste using lemon juice and baking soda and apply it to the affected area. Cover the solution with cling wrap to maintain moisture and let it sit for an hour to break down the rust particles. If using citric powder, combine it with a few drops of water to form a paste and apply it directly to the rusty area. Use a brush or an old toothbrush with elbow grease to help remove the stubborn rust.    

Option 2: Use Distilled White Vinegar  

You can also successfully remove rust stains using the acetic acid found in distilled white vinegar. It is safe to apply the white vinegar solution to clean the stain and prevent it from becoming permanent, like citric acid.   

If you want better potency, purchase cleaning vinegar from your local hardware or home improvement stores since it has a higher acidic level for removing tough stains. However, avoid confusing it with industrial vinegar as it only applies to landscaping and eliminating weeds. Due to its 20% acetic acid level, using it indoors can be extremely hazardous and cause permanent damage to your fixtures.  

For the weekly cleaning of sinks, tubs, and shower walls, spray the vinegar solution on the rust stains and scrub the area using a brush. As for rusty toilet bowls, pour one to two cups of vinegar into the bowl and clean the stained areas using a toilet brush.   

Option 3: Use Cream of Tartar  

Cream of tartar is no longer exclusive to baking or cooking as it is surprisingly effective against rusty bathroom fixtures. Made from tartaric acid, it comes in powder form used in stabilizing egg whites and as a leavening agent in baked goods.  

Using cream of tartar on your plumbing fixtures is very easy. Sprinkle it directly on the rust-stained surface of sinks and tubs before scrubbing with a dampened nylon-bristled brush. Give it time to work and cover it with plastic wrap. If you need to apply it on shower walls and toilet bowls, create a paste by combining the tartar with a few drops of water.   

Option 4: Use Gentle Abrasives    

If you want a milder cleaning approach, use gentle abrasives such as pumice stone, baking soda, and table salt to remove rust stains. They are standalone cleaners that you can also use with acid cleaners. These abrasives are ideal for preventing surface damage on porcelain, fiberglass, or enamel surfaces. Remember to keep the area wet while brushing with the abrasive for best results.  

Option 5: Use Commercial Rust Removers  

You can also purchase a commercial rust cleaner if you don't have time to combine ingredients to create an anti-rust mixture. These rust cleaners are highly effective in removing stains due to their formulation and ease of use.   

It would help if you were careful when shopping for commercial rust removers because it is crucial to read the back label on each product. Some formulations may be more potent than others and may not suit delicate surfaces. Ensure that you follow product instructions and adequately store or dispose of the cleaner after use.  

Tips to Prevent Rust Stains on Bathroom Fixtures  

The best way to prevent rust stains is by preventing them from forming in the first place. Here are some practical ways of preventing rust stains from appearing in your tubs, sinks, and toilet bowls.  

  • Rinse and wipe sinks and tubs after use. Doing so prevents the development of iron oxide since there is no water and moisture to reinforce the rust growth.  

  • Remove metal canisters and containers with metal rings such as shaving creams, air fresheners, hair sprays, and cleaners, as they can easily create rust due to moisture inside your bathroom. Make sure to store these inside a cabinet and away from the tub and sink.  

  • Pay attention to plumbing leaks on or near your bathroom fixtures since even a tiny continuous drip in your faucet can encourage rust growth.  

  • Inspect toilet tanks as older models may contain metal components that are rusty and corrosive. Replace them with anti-corrosive PVC components.  

  • Since moisture contributes to rust growth, make sure that your bathroom has enough ventilation to keep it dry and reduce the humidity in the air. If you only use a ventilation fan, keep it running for a few minutes after turning off the water.  

  • If your property has a hard water supply, installing a water softener to eliminate the minerals that cause the rust stains in your tub would be best. A water softener is a great alternative when you don't want to switch to a soft water supply. You must attach the softener to your water heater or supply to filter the minerals and other water deposits.   

The Bottomline  

There are various ways to remove and prevent rust from staining your tubs, sinks, and toilet bowls. Your bathroom keeps you clean and fresh, and having rusty fixtures can quickly look disturbing and filthy. By following these simple and practical tips, you can enjoy a clean bathroom and avoid the inconvenience of constantly scrubbing rust from your fixtures. 

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