5 Numbers To Save for Minor Emergencies
Public education, safety awareness, and modern technology all add up to making daily life pretty safe for most people. However, despite all the comforts and conveniences of contemporary society, accidents and mistakes can still disrupt your plans on any given day. Get back into the swing of things quickly by knowing five numbers to save for minor emergencies.
If you have an actively burst pipe flooding your home with water, that might not feel like a minor emergency. It certainly is an urgent one, however. Make sure you have a plumber picked out in advance so you don't have to do comparison quotes and shop around while water is splashing everywhere. Also, know how to discern when you need 24/7 service or when it's okay to cut the water off and wait until morning to get someone out there.
Whether you lock yourself out of your house or your car, a locksmith is who can let you back inside your home or vehicle. They can also change locks or make you extra keys when you need them or for others in your life.
Air conditioning repair can take high priority if the temperatures outside are very high. In humid climates, this is even more important. Children, pets, seniors, and the very frail might not withstand summer weather very long without the respite that air conditioning can provide.
If you own your own home, maintenance and upkeep are your responsibilities. However, you can delegate those responsibilities to the right contractors. Getting a roofer out as soon as it is safe means you can have someone minimize known damage before it turns into something far more substantial.
Poison Control
Serious cases of ingesting poison warrant either an ambulance or a trip to an emergency room or urgent care. However, what if you don't know how serious it is? Most communities have a poison control center that can help you determine the severity of an incident and possibly how to deal with it over the phone.
Serious problems and major emergencies might require an ambulance, firemen, or the police. For those, you'd need to call 911. However, not all emergencies are appropriate for that number. Know who the right people are to call in advance, and keep their numbers readily available to you at all times. Having them on your phone will save precious minutes when something comes up.