Appliances You Should Repair in Preparation for Summer

With vacations to plan and grass to mow, we all get very busy in the spring preparing for summer. It's easy to forget some important maintenance things around the house as summer approaches, but it's very important that you don't neglect any needed repairs to important household appliances. Here are a few things to think about as the thermometer’s mercury creeps higher.

Air Conditioning

You have probably not had the thermostat set to "cool" for many months now, so there's a chance that your air conditioning is not ready for the hard work that's ahead of it. If it was acting up as fall arrived last year and you delayed work until spring, now's the time to get ac repair done. Even if everything was fine last year, routine service should be done as well; the deep cleaning of its coils, replacement of filters, and inspection of the overall unit will reduce energy costs and improve reliability while helping keep down dust and allergens in your home.


Summertime humidity doesn't just contribute to the swelter you experience outside. It's also responsible for problems inside your house like mildew. While your air conditioner will do a lot to remove moisture from the air, it doesn't run around the clock. Operating a dehumidifier has been helping to remove that extra moisture from the air and keep the living spaces comfortable and clean. Give the unit a test run before hot weather. Make sure that it powers up properly and that the drain tank and hose are clean and don't leak.


If your fridge has been limping along for a while, it needs attention before hot weather sets in. Your demands on its icemaker and water dispenser will soar, to say nothing of the higher temperatures it must work against. All those trips to the refrigerator for frozen treats and cold drinks will keep the unit very busy, so any issues with normal function should be addressed before summer. You'll also want to make sure your water filter has been changed in the last six months, and check ice production to make sure it's working normally.

Apart from the inconvenience of being without an appliance, there are lots of costs associated as well. Everything from higher utility bills to increased cleaning demands makes it important to keep everything in good working order, especially with the unique needs of your family in the summer. At the top of the list is the air conditioner, but there's plenty more to check on before you flip your calendar.

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