Ways to Protect Your Home From Spring Rainstorms

Your home is a special place where you want to feel comfortable and relaxed. You don’t want anyone or anything to intrude on your comfort and safety. Part of this includes safeguarding your home from the elements. Keeping your home weather tight is crucial for its long-term health. With moisture locked inside the walls and the roof, the humidity in the air will cause the grass to die, the plants to shrivel up, and the food rot. That's why it's so important to protect your home from spring storms- the combination of increased humidity and increased rainfall is the perfect storm for ruining your garden, your furniture, and even your clothes. Here are some ways you can protect your home from spring rainstorms.

Plant Some Shrubs Around the House

Building a barrier between the house and the garden can be simple; just plant some shrubs around the foundation. Shrubs have strong roots that can suck the moisture right out of the air and keep it at bay. Plant them three feet away from the foundation and watch them grow over time. A variety of plants, such as lilacs, rhododendrons, dogwoods, azaleas, and snowbells, can keep your home dry year-round.

Fix Your Roof

It's essential that you keep your roof in good working order. You can do so by regularly clearing out the leaves and debris that collect there over time, but it's also important that you make sure the shingles are screwed in tightly and the vents are not clogged with dust. When you make sure your home is weathertight from the inside, moisture will move up to the roof instead of inside. A leaky roof is one of the first signs of damage to your home. Before a big storm hits, double-check that all rain gutters are cleared out; this will prevent water buildup along the base of your house, where it can cause mold or mildew. Roofing repair services can keep your roof in tip-top shape.

Seal Windows and Doors

It's important to keep your windows and doors in good working order to not be easily susceptible to leaks. If you notice mold or mildew on the walls, it's likely because the moisture level has risen; you need to check your windows and doors. A complete window or door repair can stop those problems in their tracks.

Clean Gutters

When leaves begin to gather on the ground in springtime, spring will be a very wet season indeed; this means that it's going to be highly important for you to clean out your gutters. When leaves and small debris accumulate in the gutters, water can no longer flow freely along with the downspouts. This leads to water pooling at the base of your house and causing damage to your foundation. Before a big rainstorm hits, make sure you're prepared by cleaning out your gutters and downspouts so that everything flows properly.

Check Your Sump Pump

Your sump pump is a small but vital device; it works to keep your basement dry by pumping the excess water out of it. If you notice the pump making strange noises, it's probably time for a replacement. A bad sump pump can lead to big problems for both you and your neighbors; when it leaks, it will cause flooding in your basement and possibly in your neighbors' houses' bases. Keep an eye on your sump pump when spring rainstorms are imminent; get it checked out right away if something doesn't seem right.

By following these simple tips, you will be able to protect your home from spring rainstorms. This way, it's unlikely that moisture will be able to infiltrate your home and cause major damage.

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