Improving the Utilities in Your Home

Your home's utilities are what make your home a comfortable place to live in. They can also be one of your biggest monthly expenses. There are steps that you can take to improve your utilities and reduce costs while maintaining the level of comfort you are accustomed to.

Adjust the Temperature

Did you know that even a small adjustment in temperature can improve your home’s energy efficiency? Adjusting your thermostat to 68 degrees during the winter months and adjusting your thermostat to 78 degrees during the summer months can drastically reduce energy expenses.

Natural sunlight can warm your home during the winter. Open the blinds and drapes and let the sunshine in. Conversely, during the summer months, keep the shades closed to prevent your home from overheating. Finally, you can adjust your water temperature. In most homes, 120 degrees is sufficient for water temperature. This not only reduces energy usage but also minimizes the buildup of minerals in your water heater tank, improving its efficiency.

Do a Regular Appliance Maintenance

Quality appliances, like water heaters, refrigerators, and air conditioning units, are not cheap. You are investing large sums of money with the hope that the appliances will last for many years. Doing regular maintenance on your appliances will not only keep them working better, but it will also keep them working at peak efficiency.

Some appliances, like your air conditioner, may require more frequent maintenance than others. There are some AC maintenance and repairs you can do yourself, and there are others that will require you to contact professional air conditioning services. However, the money you spend on maintenance will pale in comparison to the money you will save every year on reduced energy costs.

Unplug Unused Electronics

Most people turn off their electronic devices when they are not in use. However, many individuals in American households forget to unplug their devices or to completely power them down. Even if a device is on standby mode, it could have a significant impact on energy efficiency in your home.

Even unplugging electronics that charge devices can improve energy efficiency. A simple way to do this is to use a power strip that has an on-off switch. When you flip the switch off, you can disconnect multiple electronic devices simultaneously.

Utilities make life more comfortable. Simple lifestyle changes can improve the energy efficiency of your home and can add to your financial security because of the money savings on utilities.

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