Landscaping Ideas To Boost Your Apartment Tenancy Rate
If you’re a landlord of any sort, you know how difficult it can sometimes be to keep everyone happy. Realistically, that’s impossible but you try your best because that’s how you fill your property. One of the most important but often overlooked aspects of the rental market, particularly for semi-high-rise apartment buildings is the landscaping.
The good thing about apartment buildings is that the landscaping work required, once installed, is generally low-maintenance. Sometimes all that is required is the odd weeding and regular lawn maintenance. But, if you want to make your property stand out, you may consider not having the traditional grassy look and instead go with something different.
The goal for any landlord is to increase the occupancy rate of their building. Here are a few ideas that may help you accomplish that goal by taking care of the outside of the property and the inside.
Create an outdoor space for residents
One of the most important aspects of life that apartment-renters often find lacking is the outdoor life. Some people feel confined when they’re in their apartments like they’re stuck in a box. One of the best things you can do for your tenants is creating some sort of outdoor space, whether that’s a courtyard or an outdoor grassy area with a few picnic tables.
The important thing is that your residents feel as though they have somewhere to go and enjoy the fresh air. Another option is to include a small balcony in the building of an apartment complex so that residents will be able to sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.
Plant some trees
Another fantastic addition to the outdoor space is trees. They improve air quality and can look fantastic when you achieve the right blend. Contact a professional gardening service to give you some insight on what trees might work best for your location, and consider the colour of your building as well.
You’ll want to choose trees that will blend in well rather than clash with the exterior colour. You might want to take a look at some natives, or simply find breeds that don’t require much maintenance - the less work your tenants have to do, the more interested they will be in the property.
Add a pool
There’s nothing better than taking a dip after a day in the scorching heat. One of the most attractive elements of an apartment complex is the inclusion of a pool, especially if families with children live there. This will attract a lot of interest from people from across all age ranges and is especially popular with families. If you’re a family-friendly apartment complex, you’ll ultimately accrue far more business.
Obviously, the addition of a sizable enough pool is a great expense, but it will pay dividends in a very short space of time. If you don’t have a lot of space to work with, smaller pools are also an option.
Make a great first impression
The same could be said for a lot of things in life — first impressions are everything. If you have some money to invest in your entryway, you should do so. Create something unique and appealing that will really set your complex apart from the rest.
Maybe a large, unique piece of art, or a fountain installation? You might consider painting the doors red or blue. Go big and bold to make your units stand out. Build a brand identity that will make a lasting impression on those who drive past your buildings. In the construction business, it’s important to be known for being really good at something.
Keep the property well-maintained
Now that you have made some significant changes to your property to increase your occupancy rate, you need to keep it that way. This means hiring professional gardening services specializing in tree care and lawn care to keep your property beautified for years to come. Or, you could even consider starting a lawn care business yourself. Just be sure to bear this in mind when you’re investing; maintenance is half the battle.
Whatever your property size, as a landlord, it is your responsibility to ensure that it is attractive to new customers all the time. Keep on top of your property maintenance, beautify the outdoor spaces as much as possible to attract new prospective tenants.