Guest Post - Top 10 Organization Tips for This Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning doesn’t have to be super stressful, we promise. With our simple organization tips, you’ll be able to tackle spring cleaning with ease. Spring cleaning can help to keep you physically active, regulate your sleep schedule, protect your immune system, and more. Let’s take a look at our top 10 organization tips for spring cleaning. 

1) Make a Plan

To avoid becoming overwhelmed, make a plan to tackle all of your tasks. Take your time and decide which rooms you want to clean and on which days you want to clean them. Even if you live in a smaller home or apartment, try to avoid trying to clean your entire space in one or two days. Spread out your tasks over four to six days to avoid burnout and frustration. 

2) Get Ready

You don’t want to start cleaning and realize you don’t have enough cleaning products or you’re desperately in need of a new broom. Before you begin cleaning, top up on all of the cleaning products you like to use, and also replace your cleaning tools if necessary. Things will run much more smoothly if you have access to all of the things you need, when you need it. Having to run out to the store in the middle of a cleaning session can easily make things go downhill. 

3) Declutter

Before you fully get into the nitty gritty of it all, spend time decluttering your space. A good rule of thumb is to recycle, donate, or discard items that you’ve forgotten you own. If items have been hidden in dust and kicked under the couch for that long, that usually means that you don’t need them anymore. Recycle and donate those in good condition, after cleaning them, of course - and toss those that have reached the end of their life span. While decluttering and sorting, place items you want to keep in folding storage boxes for a tidy and functional appearance. 

4) Top to Bottom

Work from top to bottom. Clean your ceilings and fans first to bring the dirt down. Dust and clean your furniture and floors last. You’ll save time by avoiding re-dusting or re-wiping the same surfaces over and over again.  

5) Don’t Forget - Part 1

Don’t forget to clean your walls and windows! Walls and windows are a part of regular cleaning that is often forgotten. However, it is an essential part of spring cleaning. Be sure to add this part to your spring cleaning schedule. To clean your walls you can simply wipe them down with a clean damp cloth. If you feel like they need a bit of extra love, you can use a gentle soap and warm water to wash them. 

Spray the outside of your windows off with a hose before tackling them to make things much easier. Once the surface dirt has been removed with the hose, fill a bucket with clean water and a few drops of gentle liquid soap. Simply wash your windows and voila! Your home will feel and look brighter and much more inviting with clean windows and walls. 

6) Don’t Forget - Part 2

A big organization tip that you must have on your spring cleaning list is remembering the little things! While you’re removing all of your food items to clean your cupboards, remember to check all of the expiration dates. Discard expired food and reorganize your cupboard to place items that will expire soon as the first in line. 

While you’re at it, clean your hand sanitizer dispenser and refill it with fresh hand sanitizer so it’s all ready to go when you need to clean up. If you have vinyl records, be sure to clean them too. Even if your vinyl records are all for show, vinyl record cleaning is an imperative part of spring cleaning. 

7) Air Filter Replacement

Replace the air filters for all of your air condition units. The amount of dust, dirt, and debris that gets caught in air filters may surprise you. Keep the air in your home healthy by replacing your AC filters every 30-45 days. You’ll avoid pesky dust allergies and also enjoy maximum efficiency from your units, saving you money on your power bill!

8) Protect Yourself

While cleaning and organizing, you need to protect yourself. Read the labels of your cleaning products to ensure you don’t have any allergies to any of the ingredients. Avoid chemical irritations by wearing protective clothing, gloves, masks, and even a hair net while cleaning. 

9) Switch It Up

If you’ve been thinking about changing the style or theme of your home, now is the time. While spring cleaning, be encouraged to change furniture, colors, and other home accessories. Spring cleaning will feel so much more rewarding when you have a completely clean home and a brand new look that you’ve been dreaming of. 

10) Relax

Our last and final tip is to relax! Take your time and remember to plan your cleaning over the course of a few days. Take breaks in between tasks, have snacks, and drink lots of water. You’ve got this!

Author Bio: 

Carolyn Mitchell is a freelance writer and content strategist with a passion for home décor. She can often be found re-painting and updating the furnishings in her home, and she is also a dedicated cat mom to two adorable kitties.

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