Top Helpful Downsizing Tips Before You Move

Moving to a new place is exciting, but if you aren’t condensing every room, you’ll have issues fitting everything inside. Here’s our guide with the top helpful downsizing tips before you move.

Take Photos Before Downsizing

Before you move anything, you should take photos of items you go through to help select what to keep later. This technique helps you determine your things’ worth to you—you should keep what your eyes land on the most.

Split Items Into Piles

When purging a home, you must separate everything from room to room. That way, you won’t make any accidental tosses. Start by going to each area of the home and splitting things into piles. Your piles should represent what to keep, donate, or sell.

Based on what you pick, you’ll have a better way of knowing what you no longer feel attached to or don’t mind selling or giving away. Additionally, if you have items worth money, this can help you decide whether to hold onto them to grow their monetary value or sell them right away.

Don’t Save Too Much

Since you’re moving to a new place, it’s better to part with more than what you need. After all, you can place other things into storage. However, it’s best not to keep too many items, especially if they’re huge.

Start the Downsizing Process Now

Now’s the best time to downsize your home. As you prepare to move, it’s a good idea to start early. That way, you have an idea of what’s helpful to bring with you to your new place.

Whether you’re looking at clothes or kitchen appliances, you should ensure that you only keep a certain amount. In other words, give yourself a maximum number of clothing articles, furniture pieces, and other things to keep.

Then, divide that number by how many people live with you. You’ll each have a set number of items for every room to bring to the new house.

While planning your decluttering, you might need to rent a dumpster to clear out the clutter. Right before renting, you should know that there are a few things to consider before picking a dumpster size, such as how much waste you’re planning to throw out.

As you get into the new home, you should take note of these top helpful tips for downsizing before you move. Take a moment to look at every room, and then decide on your piles. After that, you’ll have a better idea of what to bring with you.

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