Home and Roofing Styles Suitable for Your Neighborhood

The roofing of a home plays a key role in ensuring the family's safety and functionality. The architectural design of the home will largely determine the style. However, shingle roofings are the most popular when sorting through types due to their durability and overall design. Choosing a style will take some research to settle on the most satisfactory. Here are four home and roofing styles suitable for your neighborhood.

Gable Roofing

Gable roofing is perfect for the countryside, and often installation is on farmhouses and barns. Often the design drawn will have two different slopes, with one slightly steeper than the other. The design also has a round top to the building. It's perfect for farmhouses as it offers more loft space that can work as a separate apartment. Besides, it requires fewer construction materials and is inexpensive to maintain.

Flat Roof

Neighborhoods used to hot arid conditions typically boast of having flat roofs. In such cases, flat roofs are considered an extension of the home and function as entertainment living spaces. A professional is needed to build a flat roof to ensure that the slight pitch used to drain water is not visible to the naked eye and avoid leakages. Many materials are used in its construction, and as a homeowner, you need to keep an eye on and ensure its installation is seamless. However, solar is easy to install after completion, and any HVAC units are placed on the top, hiding them away from the visitor's eye.


Shingles roofing types on an A-frame style roof works well. It consists of two tall slopes almost nearing the ground with very high peaks and resemble the letter A. A-frame styles can be used anywhere but are often in-cabin houses or multi-story houses where it receives heavier snow. It's perfect for vacation homes since it needs very little maintenance, as when the snow falls, it drops off.

Butterfly Roof

A butterfly roof is when the two main panels slope inwards, meeting at a defined center, creating a lower joint area. Resembling butterfly wings, they are perfect for areas with little to no rain and plenty of sunlight. If you are looking for a home that allows bigger windows, the butterfly roof allows for the installation of larger windows, meaning brighter homes with a cleaner finished look.

Keep in mind that shingle roofing materials, although affordable, need a great design to save on budget. Some plans will use additional materials that can quickly add up. Keep up with the neighborhood's aesthetics when choosing a roof and strive to elevate it with an unmatched finished look.

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