Main Differences Between Concrete and Cement in Construction

Despite the two words being used often in place of each other, there is a big difference between cement and concrete. Cement is used as a binding material to bring together other building substances. The main types of cement used in the construction sector are Asphalt and Portland cement. While many people think that Portland cement is a brand name, it is a type of cement and is present in all concrete preparations. Just like we consider sterling to be silver and stainless to be a form of steel, the same goes for Portland cement. Both cement and concrete are essential in construction activities.

On the other hand, concrete is made when the paste is combined with aggregates to produce a mixture. The aggregates used can be crushed stone or sand and gravel, while the paste is obtained by mixing a suitable amount of Portland cement in some water. In a concrete mix, cement makes up around 10 to 15 percent of the volume of the substances.

The aggregates used are bound together into a solid substance when the water and cement mixture harden, a process known as hydration. The process doesn't stop after the hardening, and it may go on for a long time. This implies that as the concrete ages, it becomes stronger.

The Main Differences Between the Two

Cement is used to bind the materials used to make concrete, such as sand, stone clay, and silt. On the other hand, concrete is used in constructing various parts of a building like slabs and footing. It brings compressive strength to the structure.


Cement comprises Magnesia, Lime, Alumina, Iron Oxide, Silica, and Sulfur Trioxide, while concrete consists of sand, stone, and cement.

Mode of Operation

Cement works through hydration, which causes a hardening reaction that binds the materials being used. For concrete, the mechanism is quite different. The fine materials occupy any space available while the mixture is prepared, giving the concrete strength and a definite structure.


Cement can be defined as a binding material for concrete preparations and an adhesive in building processes. Concrete is a mixture of aggregates bound together by a substance like an asphalt or cement.


Both cement and concrete have different types. For cement, hydrophobic, low-heat, alumina, and colored are some available types. Concrete also comes in different forms, including stamped, glass, shotcrete, and polymer types of concrete. To acquire them for your construction, you should contact a reliable cement or concrete company.

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