Things You Should Pay Special Attention to When Updating Your Garage

If you're like most homeowners, your garage probably isn't the first thing that comes to mind when it's time for a home renovation project. However, updating your garage can be a great way to improve your home's overall functionality and aesthetics. Here are some things you should pay special attention to when updating your garage.


For most homeowners, a garage door is the largest moving object in their home. A typical single paneled garage door weighs upward of 45 kilograms and requires a lot of force to move. That's why you should update your garage door with stronger parts that prevent the possibility of break-ins. For security purposes, the most common updated parts include the garage door track, the hinges, and the cylinders. Of course, security parts also come in a wide range of colors and designs to allow you to personalize your home's exterior appearance. Consult a company offering garage door services, one like JTM Garage Door Service LLC, to advise you on updating the door’s parts to your needs and wants.


In addition to updating your garage door with stronger features, you should consider how it will open and close when designing any new opener or security system. When it comes to colors, most garage doors are typically painted the same color as the home's exterior, but there are some exceptions where homeowners will paint their garages with bold or contrasting colors. Depending on what type of vehicle(s) you own, you may want a one-piece door that folds upward as a traditional door would, which is better suited for larger vehicles such as minivans or SUVs. If you often park smaller vehicles inside the garage - such as camrys or mini coopers - you may opt for a larger, two-piece door that folds down.


You should also consider the functionality of your garage concerning storing your vehicle(s) and other belongings. Garage storage options include cabinets which are ideal if you don't have a lot of space and need to store away smaller items such as sports equipment or gardening tools. Larger garage storage can be achieved by installing garage flooring designed to hold large items such as sports cars or even a boat. Another option for adding extra space in your garage is a suspended ceiling which includes a removable panel. This allows you to store things above the roof of your garage without having to worry about the ceiling caving in on your stored items.

Garage renovations are typically best left to professionals who provide you with quality and comprehensive parts and installation services. However, if you're handy and don't mind taking on a DIY project, knowing which garage door parts to purchase will go a long way in making your home safer, appearance more attractive, and functionality better than ever before.

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