What to Do with Your Air Conditioner This Winter
As the season's change, so should your game plan when it comes to winterizing your outdoor AC unit. This condenser unit needs to be protected so that it is ready when summer rolls around again.
The Top Priority is Powering Down
It makes sense to power down the AC unit when you are no longer using it to cool your home. There are a few reasons to do this. First, you eliminate the risk of electrocution should you be doing any work on the unit. Second, you don’t want the unit kicking on should one day be unseasonably warm. Third, water accumulation from the condenser poses a danger during the period when there is freezing. This can damage the unit.
Inspect and Clean the Unit
This is one of your best opportunities to check to see if there are any visible signs of damage to your AC unit such as cracks, rust, leaks, or any other obvious signs of wear and tear. Double-check that the seals are not cracked. This is also a choice moment to clean the unit. In the fall, leaves and twigs will have collected and even enter the unit. Brushing the unit with a broom gets most of that out. You can hose the unit down to clear the dust and bird waste. Keeping the AC clean prolongs the life of the unit.
AC Maintenance Contract
It is helpful to arrange to be on an HVAC maintenance contract if you have not already done so. For a nominal fee, local specialists like Steve Patrick Air Conditioning & Refrigeration Inc. should be available to perform preventative maintenance all year round as a measure of prolonging the life of your system by keeping it operating at peak performance. You never have to worry about suffering without the comfortable conditioned air in your home when you are always ahead of the game.
Covering the Unit
You have options as far as covering the AC unit for the duration of the seasons you will not be using it. With the unit turned off and cleaned up, you can place a plywood board on top of the unit weighed down with bricks to keep the snow and ice from damaging it. If you choose to cover it with a plastic enclosure, just be mindful that there is a risk of moisture accumulating. You also need to be aware that such an enclosure is attractive to small animals and rodents seeking escape from the harsh weather.
With a few steps taken to secure your AC unit during the months you will not be using it, you can gain by paying attention to the minor details before they become major issues. When it comes to your heating and cooling system, your best friend is your AC contractor. The professional help gives you good advice and peace of mind for many years to come.