Tips On How To Choose An Air Conditioner For Your Home

In some parts of the world, living without an air conditioner can be literal hell. A good air conditioner can offer not just a break from the relentless summer heat but also provide you with air purification, humidity control, and heating in winter. But how do you get the right model for your home? You need an AC that will provide you with all the pros and make you endure minimal cons. Here are a few tips on how to choose an air conditioner that is perfect for your needs: 

Determine your budget

It would be so nice if all of us could simply grab something from the store or online without looking at the price, but that’s not a fact. Generally speaking, ACs are some of the pricier household appliances, but it’s possible to get something affordable for yourself. And the best option is to get a model that will save you money in the long run. Window ACs are the cheapest (between $150 and $300) and easy to install but they only cool a single room. On the other hand, there are central air conditioners that cost upwards of $1000. Most homes in the states already come with these AC units installed, but you can always make your system more cost-effective and practical. 

Settle on a type

There are several types of air conditioners, each with its own pros and cons. The one that’s right for your needs solely depends on your residence, budget, and cooling/heating needs. We already mentioned window AC which is cheap but not very powerful. There are more famous split air conditioning systems, with one unit mounted inside the house and one outside the house. These are easy to install in homes that come without AC, and they allow easy temperature management. Split units are very popular in Europe because they provide moderate climate control for very little investment. Central air conditioning is most often found in American homes—it’s energy-efficient, practical, effective and quiet. Portable air conditioners are perfect for those who move a lot and want something light and cheap to follow them around (they are not very effective, though).

Are you ready for maintenance? 

All AC units and systems require regular maintenance if you want them to be effective and provide you with clean air. Since they have only one small unit, window ACs are the easiest to maintain. It’s cheap to fix them, and since they are mobile, servicers can easily get to all the parts. Central ACs might be the most effective, but their repair requires more experienced and professional attention. Luckily, there are experts that specialize in air conditioning repair all over the country, so you can easily find a trained bunch of people to handle your maintenance. They can take over your AC repair, preventative measures, construction, duct cleaning, and any necessary ductwork. If you invite repair service over once or twice a year for preventative maintenance, you can expect minimal maintenance (if any) between seasons. 

Aesthetic appeal

We spend a lot of time at home, and a lot of money on making it look beautiful, so it would be a shame for AC to ruin your impressions. If you care a lot about the look of your home, then a central AC system might be the best solution for you. These are almost invisible thanks to hidden ducts that can be camouflaged with the walls. The outdoor unit is also quite attractive, even though it takes a lot of space. Spit ACs are also aesthetically pleasing, especially indoor units. They are positioned high up the wall, making them easy for the eye to ignore, and they mostly have a modern and sleek design. Outside units are less attractive but they can be hidden pretty well. Window ACs and portable ACs are probably the least attractive. Their placement and size make them hard to ignore and they often need to stay in the middle of the room in order to be effective. 

What about the noise? 

If you live somewhere with a dense population, you need to be considerate towards your neighbors and minimize your noise production. Indoor split AC units are very quiet, but the outdoor ones can produce some noise that might bother your neighbors. Modern central units are equipped with special motors that produce little to no noise, which can be perfect for homes requiring peace and quiet. 

Analyze your needs and go through this buyer’s guide to find the best model of AC for your needs. If you nail it just right, you can expect the best comfort in your home all year round! 

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