Why You Should Start Worrying About Your AC Now

As winter creeps closer, your air conditioner is probably the furthest thing from your mind. The only thing you might be thinking is how glad you are to shut it down for the year and save some electricity. However, you may find out next summer that you would have been well-served to think about your AC in the fall. Here are three reasons to do that.

Convenient Routine Service

Every air conditioner should be serviced according to the manufacturer's schedule. During this process, the technician will clean and inspect the unit, ensuring that it is in good working order and operating as efficiently as possible. The removal of dust and other debris can prevent breakdowns and allow the unit to circulate clean, dust-free air throughout your home.

Having service performed in the fall allows you to get the work done on your own schedule without waiting days and days for your contractor to catch up on work in the early summer. This makes it a perfect job for fall.

Advice on Repair and Replacement

Every time your system is serviced, the technician is assessing its condition. Any repairs you need will be documented and passed along to you. This is a great time to make those repairs because it gives you enough time for backordered parts to come in and for the work to get done before hot weather returns.

At some point, you will probably be advised to replace the unit. That recommendation will be based on the condition of your system, the availability of parts and technicians, and the relative efficiency of the unit as compared to modern systems that use less energy.

Function Overlap with Heat

Many people do not realize just how much their heating system has in common with their air conditioning. A heat pump system uses the same components all year long, with the exception of the auxiliary heat coils.

That means that the cool days of fall when your system is off are the perfect time not just to get the air conditioning ready for next spring but also to get the heat ready for this winterl. Any issues that impact your AC could also affect your heat, so dealing with them all at once gets you ready for any kind of weather that may come.

Your air conditioner will be off your mind once the snow starts to fly, but some time spent caring for it in the fall will help you later.

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