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Tile Roof Repairs You Can't Wait Around On

When it comes to the integrity of your tile roof, you can never be too careful. While tile roofs tend to be exceptionally strong, homeowners should always keep an eye out for any signs that those structures are in need of repairs.

Missing Tiles

Tiles are typically attached to the primary framework of a home with one or more nails, and they should stay in place for quite some time with the proper maintenance. That being said, the nails and tiles could become loose if there are high winds, major home renovations, or severe humidity fluctuations that cause the framework to sag. In those situations, it is absolutely vital that you replace the missing tiles as soon as possible so that the underlying building materials don’t become damaged.

Cracked Tiles

This is another common issue that some homeowners are going to run into at least a few times over the years. Whenever something strikes a tile, there is a small chance that the tile will become chipped or cracked. Luckily, replacing a single cracked tile is typically an easy job that an experienced roofer should be able to complete in a matter of hours. They can also check the nearby rafters and decking to ensure that no additional damage needs to be repaired.


Whenever a roof is exposed to high humidity levels or standing water for an extended period of time, algae could become a problem. Even though tile roofing tends to be very good at shedding water, algae could develop if the roof wasn’t installed correctly. If the algae bloom isn't taken care of right away, it might result in dangerous spores spreading throughout your HVAC system and the rest of your home.

Bowing Roof

A bowing roof is a serious problem that must be repaired right away to avoid further issues. When a tile roof is bowing, it is usually a sign that the support structures under the tiles are no longer solid and need to be repaired or replaced. When a bowing roof isn’t fixed, the entire roof could cave in and cause a tremendous amount of damage or make the home completely unlivable until the repairs have been carried out.

Your home’s tile roof is your first line of defense against harsh storms, strong winds, and damaging UV rays. Catching and repairing damage as quickly as possible will greatly reduce your risk of additional structural problems.