Common Pests to Keep an Eye Out for During Winter

Pests are a nuisance to deal with; they're always entering our homes and wreaking havoc on our furniture, food, and clothes. If you need help keeping track of what pests to watch for during winter, here are some common pests to keep an eye out for to make your life a bit easier.


Ants are an unsightly nuisance due to their ability to be a collective and sting you. Home pest control for ants can be as simple as reducing the amount of food you leave that might be attractive to ants and changing your daily routines. Ants build nests in your home and can be easily identified by their rusty-colored bodies. If you find ants in your home, it's time to empty the nest and try to prevent more ants from entering your home.


Cockroaches are among the most common pests found in homes in the United States. Many people have noted that cockroaches are attracted to restaurants, which may be due to trash cans located near restaurants that give off a scent that attracts cockroaches. Cockroaches are also attracted to dark areas such as basements and crawl spaces, so check your basement if you notice a recent increase in cockroaches.


Fleas can be difficult to deal with, particularly if the infestation spreads throughout your home. No matter how small or large an infestation of fleas is, it's important to treat all your pets for fleas and keep them away from the rest of your house. This is because even if you don't have pets, you can still get outdoor fleas. Check yourself and your family frequently for fleas by combing through your hair to find any fleas. If necessary, hire a professional pest control service to support you in getting rid of fleas.


Silverfish are another common pest that can be found in the United States. Like cockroaches, silverfish are attracted to dark and damp spaces, such as under bathroom sinks and basements. The silverfish's grayish form makes it difficult to spot them, so keep an eye out for small gray insects that may be scurrying around your basement or bathroom.


Beetles are as common as ants but can be easily identified by their hardback ends and bright colors. A brownish-red beetle is often referred to as a ladybug. If you spot any beetles in your home, they may be attracted to the structure of your home or the food you leave out, so try to clear away any food that might be attracting them and reduce the amount of wood in your house.

The last thing you want to see is ants in your bathroom or silverfish in your kitchen. It's important that you keep your house clear of these pests, especially during such a cold winter season. Keep an eye out for any signs of pests in your home, and try the tips above to get rid of them once and for all.

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