How To Declutter in an Environmentally Friendly Way
When a new year quickly approaches, it is an excellent time to look around your home and think about how you can clean and declutter your space so you can start off on the right foot. There are likely many parts of your home that look cluttered, and as you go from room to room, you will see areas of improvement. Clearing clutter is important for staying organized, and it can also improve your mental health.
When many of us begin to rid our homes of stuff we don’t need, we often think about throwing everything in the trash. However, all of that waste loads up our landfills and causes pollution, so it is essential that you find a more eco-friendly method. Today, we will talk a bit about decluttering and how to help the planet in the process.
How To Start Decluttering
Over the last few years, many of us have been spending more time at home, and in order to maintain our sanity, we need to declutter and organize our living spaces so that everything has its place. When our house is messy, it is not only a pain to get around, but subconsciously, we also feel like we are losing control of our lives, and that isn’t good for our family life. Clutter can also make you less productive if you work from home.
Some people quit before they even start because they feel like there is too much to do and that the mess will never go away. However, all you need to do is take it one room at a time. As you go to each new room, look at the items stored there and target the items that you have not touched or used in the last year. The chances are good that if you haven’t used a particular item in a long time, you probably won’t use it again.
Put all of those items in separate piles for donation, trash, and recycling.
You can make a lot of headway by looking through your closet. Again, think about what hasn’t moved in the last year. If you haven’t worn it during the last four seasons, then you probably won’t again. Do the same process for your shoes and accessories.
Properly Disposing of Items
While we have grown accustomed to throwing items in the trash that we no longer need, it is important to be judicious about what you toss in the trash. When we load up the landfills, the garbage just tends to sit there. When it does, the garbage pollutes and leaks into the soil and our lakes and oceans, which means that our food and water sources can also be polluted. Also, when the garbage just stays in place, it also creates and emits greenhouse gasses that further contribute to climate change.
That is why you must pay close attention to what should be thrown in the trash and what you should recycle. By recycling, we get a chance to reuse those substances to make something new, and it doesn't hurt the environment. There are many things that you may find while decluttering that you didn’t realize could be recycled, including music CDs, DVDs, and ink cartridges, among other items.
If you are not sure what you should throw away and what to recycle, then get some help. You can contact a junk removal company that will ensure that your trash is sent to the right place or to your specifications. Just be sure to research them ahead of time to verify that they are licensed and insured and that they provide the services that you need.
Many people use this time to clear out their filing cabinets of all of the old paperwork that they no longer need. It is essential that you do not just throw the documents into the recycling bin. If you do, then criminals can find it and use the sensitive data to commit crimes like taking out fraudulent loans or setting up phishing scams. Instead, you need to shred everything so it cannot be used after the fact. Keep in mind that it is not wise to throw the shredded paper into the recycling bin because it is too small and cannot be filtered out correctly at the recycling center — and may still end up in the landfill.
Declutter By Giving to Others
When you are clearing out your house, instead of throwing everything away, think about what you can donate. If we all bought our clothing and electronics from donation centers then we would eliminate the need for factories to spew pollution into the air while making brand-new products. By bringing your stuff to the Salvation Army or Goodwill, you allow other people to continue to use what you no longer need, and you’ll be doing a great favor for the environment.
Keep in mind that there are many different companies and organizations that take unique donations. For example, you can bring your old or worn sneakers to Soles4Souls, who will give those shoes to children in need. If you have old mattresses, then you can contact IKEA’s recycling service and they will help haul them away. You can even donate your old underwear to Knickey. When in doubt, look online for a program that can help with your donation needs.
Finally, think about how you can reduce your purchasing needs, so you have less clutter in the first place. You can shop more consciously by purchasing used items, and if you do buy something, have a plan for how you will dispose of it in the future. Also, think about what you can pass down from generation to generation, like kids’ clothes and toys, so you eliminate the need to discard them altogether.
As you can see, there are many ways that you can clean your home and declutter without hurting the planet in the process. Consider these tips, and start the new year off on the right foot.