8 Tips to Make Installing Solar Panels at Home Easier

After witnessing the disastrous effects of carbon emissions, greenhouse gases, and global warming, everyone is seeking clean energy alternatives. When it comes to eco-friendly modern energy options, solar energy is gaining popularity quite rapidly primarily because it provides sustainable power solutions that are also pocket-friendly. Also, solar panels are easily accessible for homeowners and are highly effective for converting sunlight into renewable energy. Due to the same reason, numerous consumers are tilting towards hybrid power grids. To make things easy for solar consumers, we have created a comprehensive guide with best tips to make the home solar panel installation process more comfortable and error-free.

1. Inspect the Site to Install Solar Panels

It is noteworthy to understand the best locations to install solar panels. It is not necessary that solar panels can be mounted on roofs only, other installation places could be grounds and walls as well. However, roofs are the best places to install the equipment. Rooftops get maximum sunlight and are perfect sites to get the most out of solar PV systems. So, if you have decided to go solar, prefer the roof area for installation and check the suitability of the place as well. Since solar panels require a sturdy base, it is crucial to check whether the roof can bear the weight of solar panels. As a rule of thumb, 10-year-old constructions are not suitable for solar PV system installation. Thus, before setting solar PVs, renew the old roof construction.

2. Get Professional Assistance

State laws for solar rebates and incentives are critical factors to comprehend before going solar. Often legal technicalities are tough to understand for homeowners, and it is good to consult professional solar installers to avoid delays and revel in hassle-free solar energy with rebates and incentives. So, consult expert solar installers and stay updated about recent rebate percentages and eligibility requirements.  

3. Evaluate Your Energy Requirements

An energy requirement calculation is essential to find how many solar panels will be needed to cover home power needs. This calculation is simple; consumers can determine their average consumption by multiplying the hourly power requirements of their home by peak sunlight hours in the area and dividing it by solar panel wattage. Or users can employ the 'divide by 4 rule' and divide their highest kWh (kilo Watt Hour) energy consumption number by four. For instance, if a consumer needs an 8kW solar PV system, he will need approximately 20 solar panels.

4. Select the Right Panel Type for Your Home

Solar panels have two basic module types - thin film and crystalline. It is significant to opt for the suitable one because the type of solar panel affects its installation process. 

Crystalline solar panels are large modules that are highly efficient and durable, but their installation requires complicated racking systems. 

Thin-film solar panels have a comparatively flexible build quality, cheaper, and are easy to install. However, thin-film panels are less durable than crystalline ones. So, evaluate your requirements and budget before finalizing any solar PV system.

5. Check Solar PVs Package Before Installation 

Since solar panels are expensive assets, during shipping from sellers, things might get damaged, and it is essential to check for any damage before installation. Thus, inspect the panels’ package and other components thoroughly, and if there are any damages or missing component issues, inform your supplier to get replacements before solar panel installation.

6. Setting Angle for Solar Panels 

Standard solar panels work more efficiently when positioned "equator facing." The specific positioning allows solar panels to get maximum sunlight and ensure solar power users get the highest power output. Thus prefer places with angles near the equator for your solar panel setting. 

If your place is naturally shady, go for micro inverters because these little devices keep the power output system running smoothly during non-peak time.

7. Use Safety Stands for Solar Panels

Most solar panels require proper placements with safety stands for long life and optimal performance. Also, winds are the biggest enemy of solar PVs and can damage them. Fortunately, various specially designed stands, racking systems, and mounts are available to protect panels, not from winds but to ensure slight position tweaking for optimal performance and increased efficiency. Therefore, opt for suitable stands and supporting materials before installing a solar PV system at home.

8. Be Ready for Annual Maintenance and Inspections Outlay

Solar technology delivers users with affordable and renewable energy, but it is a fact that annual maintenance and inspections are mandatory for solar panel efficiency and durability. After solar panel installation, it is significant to comprehend its maintenance costs. If you want to do cleaning, do it with proper safety gadgets and supplies. Otherwise, get professional help and get your work done by licensed installers.


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