Inexpensive Ways To Keep Your House Warm This Winter

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that your heating bill will rise throughout the winter months. As a homeowner, you might be looking for inexpensive ways to keep your house warm to save money. Look no further; our ultimate list below comes with little to no cost to you. Try out these heat savers to keep your family warm.

Close the Damper in Your Chimney

A fireplace is a great home feature on those blistery winter nights, but if you don’t understand the components within the chimney, you could be allowing cold air to enter the house. Inside the chimney is the damper; a homeowner will open this mechanism when a fire is burning to help direct smoke up and out. But when the fireplace is not in use and the damper is open, cold air can enter the home. Prevent cold drafts by remembering to close the damper when you’re no longer burning a fire.

Rearrange Your Furniture Away From Vents

Where is your furniture currently placed in your home? If your sofas or chairs are blocking your vents or radiator, it could be hindering the heat from spreading throughout the room. Rearrange your furniture so items are not blocking any heating sources and the heat can circulate properly.

Make Minor Home Repairs

Certain issues around your house could make it harder to heat in the winter. For example, cracks or gaps in the sealant on your windows could encourage cold air to seep into the house. Complete these home repairs before winter arrives so you don’t have to face these issues when snow is on the ground.

Know When To Open & Close Curtains

Your curtains can help conserve heat. When the sun is high in the sky during the middle of the day, open your curtains to allow the sun to penetrate through. The sunlight will help warm up your home. Once the sun goes down, close the curtains to help keep warm air from dissipating through the windowpane.

Open Your Oven After Baking

The last inexpensive way to keep your house warm this winter is to leave your oven door open after you finish baking or cooking. You must keep safety in mind for this one. Don’t use this suggestion if you have small children or pets running around. The heat from inside the oven can warm up your kitchen at no extra cost when you’re done baking. Just ensure the oven is off once you complete your baking.

If your primary concern is your budget this winter, these suggestions cost little to nothing. Before you splurge on a new thermostat or upgrade your heating system, consider making a few minor changes to your home. How will you try to conserve heat in your home this winter?

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