How To Know When It's Time To Repair Or Replace Your Garage Door

When it's raining or cold outside, you love being able to push a button, have your garage door open like magic, and drive your car into your garage where it is warm and dry. Unfortunately, the time will probably come when your garage door will need to be repaired or perhaps replaced. If you're wondering how you will when the time is right for repairs or replacement, here are some tips you'll want to keep in mind.

Visible Wear and Tear

If you have had your garage door for a decade or more, it is possible you may start seeing visible signs of wear and tear. After years of being exposed to the elements, the door may have become discolored or warped. When this is the case, you'll want to buy a new door for your garage.

Door Does Not Properly Open and Close

When your garage door is having problems opening and closing correctly, it can have problems that may require only minor repairs, or possibly a complete replacement. In some cases, the problem may only be sensors that are covered by dirt or dust, which can be easily remedied. In other instances, it could mean the door's track is bent or damaged, the door is warped, or other problems that are best solved by replacing the door.

Loud and Strange Noises

When you call on the pros at JTM Garage Door Service LLC due to your door making loud and strange noises on a regular basis, you'll find out the problem could be something simple like broken springs that need to be replaced, or wheels and bearings in its track the just need to be lubricated with silicone spray. However, the noises could also be due to a bent or broken track, in which case you may want to consider buying a new door.

Higher Energy Bills

If you have noticed your home's energy bill has been increasing lately for reasons you can't understand, your garage door may be the reason behind the higher bill. Should you have an older garage door, its material and insulation may be starting to break down. When this occurs, your home's HVAC system will need to work much harder than normal, meaning your bill will only continue to rise until you get a new garage door.

Now that you know the various reasons that may lead to your garage door being repaired or replaced, don't continue to be frustrated by higher energy bills or a door that always seems to have a problem. Instead, call on the pros to find out what's wrong so that you can make a well-informed decision.

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