How to Take Control of Damage Caused by a Leaky Roof

Your roof may become leaky as a result of improper roof installation, lack of maintenance, or storm damage. When such happens, you need to take action to minimize the damage that the leaky roof might cause. Otherwise, mold and mildew will start growing in your home. The property in your home and your home’s ceiling and attic may also get damaged due to this. Below are more details on how you can take control of damage caused by a leaky roof.

Examine the Roof

After minimizing the damage that could be caused by your leaky roof, examine the roof to determine the cause of the leak. You may need binoculars when doing the examination. If you notice that the roof is leaking because it is old, request professionals to install a new residential roof in your home.

Check Whether the Ceiling is Bulging or Dipping

A dipping or bulging ceiling is a sign that water has collected on your ceiling. That water can greatly damage your ceiling if it is not removed. Therefore, you should puncture the bulge to release water from the ceiling. Before poking a hole in the area, put a large container underneath the area to catch the water that will come from the ceiling.

Move Things From the Affected Area

The last thing you would want to imagine when dealing with a leaky roof is water ruining your belongings and precious items. To ensure this does not happen, move things from the area where water from the leaky roof is dripping. You should also move carpets from this area.

Place a Large Container Beneath the Leak

To prevent further damage by the leaking water, you should place a large container beneath the leak. This container will catch falling water, ensuring that it does not damage your floor. You should surround this container with waterproof materials. Once the water is contained, make sure you call someone immediately. Something like this can have rippling effects.

Soak Up Any Stagnant Water

If a lot of water leaks through your roof, it may stagnate in one area. That water can cause structural damage. Therefore, you should soak it up and cover the area with waterproof material. Plastic garbage bags and spare tarps can be of great help when it comes to this.

A leaky roof can cause a lot of damage. To minimize this damage, move things from the area beneath the leak and soak up any stagnant water in this area. You should also remove any stagnant water on your ceiling.

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