Signs Your Furnace Is in Need of Repair
Is your furnace starting to act up? Are you noticing an increase in your energy bills or perhaps experiencing strange noises or odors coming from the unit? Here are some warning signs that something may be wrong with your furnace and it needs repair.
Strange Noises
High pitched buzzing or howling noises normally come from the blower fan or motors inside your furnace. If you hear these sounds after the unit has been running, it is a sign that there may be a problem with either the fan blades hitting part of the furnace or perhaps the motor itself is failing. Both problems are easily fixed by a professional, but early detection can prevent more costly repairs in the future.
Poor Heating
You may notice that you seem to be using much more energy than normal to keep the house warm. If this happens, it may be time to have a furnace repair. You might also notice that the air coming from your vents seems significantly colder than in years past, even though you are running the thermostat at a higher temperature. An experienced HVAC technician can check for problems with your furnace and determine if a repair is needed.
Strange Odor
Do you smell something funny from the vents in your home? Some smells are normal for certain models of furnaces because they have a sealed combustion chamber where all of the fumes from the burned gas get contained until they get out of the unit. However, if you notice an increase in an unusual odor coming from your furnace, it may be time to have a technician check your furnace carefully for any possible problems that may exist.
Dirty Air Filters
It is very important to keep the filters on your furnace clean and changed out regularly to prevent problems with the unit. When dirty filters are used in your furnace, they can restrict airflow and even cause overheating of the system, which may shorten its life span significantly. Having your filter changed regularly is also important because it will save you money on your energy bills by allowing your furnace to run efficiently. So, it doesn't have to work as hard and use up more energy than necessary to heat your home.
Normal wear and tear can cause problems in your heating system, which will require repair from time to time. If you experience any of these warning signs, contact a reputable HVAC company for an appointment. You may be able to have the problem diagnosed and repaired quickly before larger problems arise that could cost you more money in the future.