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Important Home Updates to Finish Before Winter

Winter is fast approaching, and with it comes cold weather and snow. If you have any unfinished home projects like sealing up your windows or installing storm windows, now is the time to complete them! Here are some of the things that you can do in order to get ready for winter.

Add Insulation

Add insulation to the exterior walls and attic for better heat retention. The added insulation will help keep your home warm so that you aren't using as much energy on heating throughout the winter months. If you have not already done this, it is a good idea to do it before any cold weather sets in. Insulation is fairly inexpensive and easy to install, so it can even be a good DIY project.

Install a Programmable Thermostat

Install a programmable thermostat so that you can save energy by being able to lower your home's temperature while you are away or sleeping. This is especially important if you have older heating systems in your home. The main benefits of this update include increased comfort, reduced utility bills, and more consistent temperatures throughout the day and night. There are even smart thermostats that will adjust automatically depending on your family’s typical schedule.

Make Sure Your Roof Is in Good Shape

If you live in an area where it snows often, make sure that your roof is in good shape so that the snow and ice don't cause damage to your home. If there are any weak spots or leaks on the roof, now might be a good time to have them repaired by a professional before winter starts. Don't put this off—contact an independent roofing service to have them look at your roof and make sure it's ready to go for the winter months.

Consider New Energy-Efficient Windows

Before the winter comes, it is a good idea to replace old drafty windows with energy-efficient ones. This will help keep your home warmer so that you don't have to use as much heat during the winter months. Old and drafty windows can also lead to increased utility bills, which means extra money spent on heating throughout the year. If possible, it might be a good idea to replace all of your windows at once so that they are the same and don't stick, close improperly, or have gaps between them.

If you haven’t already done any of the above, it may be a good idea to do so before winter sets in. With these improvements, your home will stay warmer and more comfortable throughout the fall and winter months. You could also save on energy costs by making sure that your heating system is operating efficiently with things like added insulation or a programmable thermostat. This will ultimately make your experience this winter much more relaxing and enjoyable for the entire family.