Large Home Maintenance Tasks You'll Need to Complete Every Few Years
Your home is a considerable investment that requires constant maintenance. Home maintenance is not an easy task given the busy schedule trying to balance work and social life. It's essential to set aside time to ensure all utilities are in good condition for the smooth running of your home. Don't be overwhelmed. Some of the maintenance can run for years before an upgrade. Here is a list of maintenance tasks that save you money.
Check Out the Gutters
Gutters protect the siding, foundation, and roof by controlling rainwater. If not checked for years, they clog, causing the roof to leak or cause water to infiltrate the house. The frequency of cleaning the gutters highly depends on the surrounding environment, i.e., if surrounded by trees or not. Those scared of heights can hire professionals to carry out the task.
Repaint Your Home
Paint protects the walls from rot and water damage giving a home a lovely appearance. However, if not checked for a while, it starts peeling or chipping, which indicates a need for a new coat. The work is ideally done around summer to ensure the paint dries out quickly.
Cleaning the Swimming Pool
Most large homes have swimming pools on their property. It's ideal for treating the water after a while and replacing filters and valves. It's essential to inspect all the equipment around the swimming pool areas to ensure they are in good condition.
Septic Tank Pumping
It's essential to hire septic tank pumping services to get rid of solids and sludge. Some of these particles take time to break down; hence, pumping allows particles to move. Leaving the septic tank unattended can cause filters to clog, preventing water flow to the system.
Inspect HVAC Systems and Boiler
HVAC systems control heat and air in your home. It's essential to schedule system checkups and to serve with a technician. Technicians carry out several services like checking the ductwork for damages, cleaning and servicing the A/C compressor and furnace. If you have steam heat, then draining your boiler will clear accumulated sediment.
Check Out Your Plumbing
To ensure an uninterrupted water supply, check out the pipes to ensure no leaks. Other areas to check for water leakage are the walls and the ceiling. Ensure the flapper in the toilet tank isn't worn out and the faucets are not dripping. These two are likely to increase your utility bill, which homeowners can prevent.
Every homeowner should maintain their home to ensure it's in good condition. Regular maintenance protects homeowners from incurring high costs in repair.