First-Time Homeowner? HVAC Maintenance You Shouldn't Ignore

First-Time Homeowner HVAC Maintenance You Shouldn't Ignore.jpeg

Did you know that your heating and air conditioning system is one of the most important features in your home? It not only provides comfort for you but also keeps your home at a comfortable temperature. Unfortunately, it can be difficult to keep up with regular HVAC maintenance when there are so many other things on our plate as homeowners. If you're new to owning a home or this is the first time you've had to think about HVAC maintenance, then this post will give you some helpful tips.

Inspect Filters Monthly

Inspecting your filters on a monthly basis is a great way to ensure that your HVAC system is running as efficiently as possible. These filters should be replaced every month but if you have pets or allergies, then it's recommended that they are changed more frequently. When replacing them, make sure the new filter matches the old one in size and type for best results.

Check for Mold

HVAC systems are susceptible to mold growth so it's important to check for this on a monthly basis. If you see any, then remove the source of the moisture as soon as possible before removing all visible signs of mold. You can use bleach or another type of cleaning product that won't damage your HVAC system in order to get rid of any spores left behind. Mold can cause respiratory problems, so it’s important to have professional remediation if you spot it in your home. 

Address Leaks and Cracks

Leaks and cracks in your HVAC system can affect its overall performance, which is another reason why they should be addressed as soon as possible. An inefficient system will end up costing you money on your utility bills and be less effective overall. Addressing any leaks early will also prevent mold from growing inside of the unit because moisture won't be able to escape through any leaks or holes.

Air conditioning repair can be expensive if you do not stay on top of your units. If you find leaks or cracks in your HVAC system, then contact a professional to come fix them as soon as possible. This will ensure that your HVAC system is running as efficiently as possible and that it's keeping you nice and comfortable at home.

Replace Air Conditioning and Heating Coils

The air conditioning and heating coils in your unit can wear down over time, so it's a good idea to have them replaced every five years. This is an important part of HVAC maintenance that should not be ignored because you never know when they'll stop working properly or fail altogether, which could end up costing you more money than they're worth. Be sure to keep a record of when tasks like this are being performed so that you can get them done on time.

HVAC maintenance is important for all homeowners, but it's especially crucial if you're a first-time homebuyer. It can be difficult to keep up with regular HVAC maintenance when there are so many other things on our plate as homeowners. But these tips should help make the process easier and more manageable. If your heating or air conditioning unit isn't functioning properly, then don't hesitate to contact an expert who will come out immediately to repair any leaks or cracks you have found in your system.

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