The Pros of a Xeriscaped Garden
Xeriscaping is all about selecting the right plants that can thrive in your landscape with very little water. This method of gardening continues to grow more and more popular as people discover its benefits.
Xeriscaping originates from the 1980's when people employed this landscaping technique to survive ongoing droughts across the Western U.S.
In Latin, the word ‘xero’ means dry and ‘scape’ refers to a view or landscape. People have been planting specific plants to match their climate since the beginning of time. Explore the different xeriscape garden design ideas to create the perfect garden:
The Benefits of Xeriscaping
These include:
The first and most obvious pro of xeriscaping is that it helps conserve water
In addition, as compared to traditional gardening, xeriscaping helps cut down annual costs and labor required
Most xeriscape designs help you highlight native plants that can thrive in your garden with minimal care
Plants in a xeriscape garden require little to no fertilizers. Once established, these plants will do well on their own
The Top 2 Xeriscape Garden Designs
Here’s how you can create an attractive yet conscious garden:
Pine Bark Mulch
Mulch is an effective way of conserving moisture, as well as reducing weed growth. Some mulches contain pesticides, chemical dyes, and herbicides that, in the long run, can harm wildlife and soil ecology.
On the flip side, natural mulch like cedar or pine bark is a great way to keep insects away and enrich your soil.
Lawn Alternatives
Green lawn maintenance requires a lot of water. This is why areas prone to ongoing seasons of drought hesitate to create a lawn landscape.
Invest in lawn alternatives like walkways with gravel, small patio areas with pavers, or Zen gardens with planters, sand, and stones. You may even create ‘carpeted’ areas with low, soft ground covers like sweet woodruff, creeping thyme, or low growing sedum.
In the infographic below by HomeCity, we take a closer look at the best, most stunning xeriscape design ideas. Share your journey towards creating a xeriscape garden in your real estate in Texas to connect with like minded people.