House to Home Organizing

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Creative Ways to Keep Rodents Out Your Home

If you don’t want to use traps and baits to remove rodents, use these creative ways to keep rodents out of your home. A few methods are using essential oils, reducing waste, and inspecting the inside and outside of your house to locate potential break-in spots.

Using Baking Soda

Lightly sprinkle baking soda around the perimeters of your house. If you don't want to spread it, you can make a concoction instead. For example, mix chocolate, baking soda, and cornmeal together. Place it where you saw rodent droppings; this will kill the rodents after consumption. Make sure to properly dispose of the bodies.

Dropping Peppermint Oil

Dab peppermint oil on cotton balls and place them around the area. Or, you can use a spray canister—simply combine two teaspoons of the oil for every one cup of water—and spray around the outside of your house. Peppermint Oil is a harmless way to eliminate rodents while not harming the other animals in your ecosystem.

Using Mothballs

A creative way to keep rodents out of your home is by using mothballs. You can place them in a bag and throw them under your porch or in any other area of your house where rodents live. Mothballs are great for driving out small rodents such as raccoons, squirrels, and others.

Relocating Their Environment

If you inspect your house and see a nest or burrow, and noises don’t work to scare the rodents away, you can relocate their homes. However, if you’re unsure what to do and don't want to get attacked, call a professional.

Removing Waste Sources

A great way to keep rodents away from your home is to ensure that you always keep a lid on any garbage pales near your house. Also, check your yard and crawl spaces for any waste—specifically food waste—passersby may have thrown. Rodents will be disinclined to visit your home if it doesn’t provide food. On top of ensuring that the lid is on the garbage, make sure your trash stays somewhat clean so rodents don't feel compelled to make nests inside of them.

The desire to keep rodents outside your home isn’t a lot to ask for. These are the steps to take if rodents are in your air ducts. Alternatively, you can always call a professional.