Guest Post - The Most Common Home Improvement Myths Busted


A home improvement project is one of the best things you can do if you want to increase the value of your property. It’s also an ideal option if you're going to reinvest in your home – remodel, renovate, or update it. While you’re guaranteed to reap benefits from improving your home, there are several things you need to consider before getting into action. You need to know precisely what you are doing or are supposed to do. 

Before anything else, you should go around your property and try to assess its overall condition. If possible, have the exterior and interior parts of your home check. Get a professional to do a roof maintenance inspection, HVAC tests, and even furniture and appliance checks. Once you have an idea of what has to be corrected and improved, you can start planning your home improvement project. 

However, some homeowners hesitate to put their plans into action because of some home improvement myths they’ve heard from family and friends. Myths are widely believed stories and ideas, but they are false. To ensure that you don’t fall prey to misconceptions, it’s essential to know what these home improvement myths are. 

Home Improvement Myths 

Do-It-Yourself home improvements will save you money.  

Home repairs are simpler compared to home improvement projects. So, yes, you can do all the DIY repairs you want and save on your expenses. Home improvement, though, is different; it’s more complex because you’re dealing with the entire house, not just parts of it. While there are numerous tips available online, it’s still best to get help from a professional. If you want to be hands-on on the renovations, the two of you can work together. 

If you prefer to do everything on your own, you may end up spending more when things don't turn out the way you wanted them to (ex. when you add more damage to your roof instead of fixing it). 

All home improvement projects are the same. 

What a home improvement project is to you may not be what it is to your friend or neighbor. You might like the updates and changes, but a potential buyer may look at them in a different light. So, if you’re planning to remodel or renovate for future selling, you should hire a good and experienced contractor to ensure that you’re doing the right thing. 

Anything trendy is good. 

Minimalist, Japanese, and Scandinavian-inspired interiors are trends in home designs. While they all make homes look and feel beautiful, they are not for everyone. You have to consider several factors, like does it suit your personal preferences? If you’re married and have children, is it a practical choice?

You shouldn’t base your home improvement choices on what’s popular or trending; you should match them with what you believe is suitable for your home, for you and your family, and your style. Remember, your home is your sanctuary, so it should be something that you would want to be in. 

Instead of focusing on what’s trendy, find time to do some research by visiting showrooms and going through websites and home improvement magazines. It is also important to get advice from an interior designer and a contractor. 

Home improvement projects don’t take a lot of time to finish.

Home renovations are not a 24-hour, two-days, or over-the-weekend thing; it takes time. Some remodeling projects can take a week or more; others may even take months to complete. It usually depends on your home size or how big the renovation project is. 

The best thing to do is work with a home improvement specialist before getting to work. 

Home improvement projects do not require permits. 

Whether you’re doing a simple or extensive home improvement project, it is vital to follow the law. Be sure to get all the information about building permits and other legal matters. Your contractor can help you secure all these and whatever else you might need. 

Wallpapers will solve the problem. 

No, it won’t. Wallpapers are temporary fixes; anything that’s temporary does not solve problems. Also, if you slap wallpaper on the cracks on your wall, you’ll eventually end up spending more than you expected after a few years (or months). 

If you really want to use wallpapers, have the cracks on your walls fixed first and ask someone to help you install them. 

Paint can hide the damage. 

While a fresh coat of paint can hide cracks and other damage to your wall, it cannot fix the problem. The right thing to do is find the root cause of the problem and have them fixed. If you simply cover your wall with paint, the small crack can develop into more serious issues like termites and molds. 

All renovations and improvements will add value to your home. 

Home improvements and renovations will only add value if they are done right, which is why you should work with a reliable contractor. 

Author Bio:

Rachel Porter is the content specialist for Custom Contractors Insurance, LLC, an Arizona roofing and contractors insurance company. When not writing, she enjoys reading and mountain biking with her friends.

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