4 Ways Mold Can Grow in Your Basement and How to Prevent It


If you've ever had the unpleasant experience of seeing mold, you know how disgusting the substance is. Chances are that your first instinct was to quickly wash the mold away. Unfortunately, mold can grow in your own basement. As thus, you want to be aware of reasons why mold might form in the basement and how to prevent this occurrence.

Burst Pipe or Leakage

One reason why mold might grow in your basement is due to a leak or a burst in one of the pipes. Sometimes, these leaks can go undetected for a while. For example, if you're like many people, you may very well have a storage closet in the basement packed with items. A pipe could burst or have a leak, and that dripping water could lead to mold. Regularly checking the closet for signs of water damage or mold is a smart move. You can also call 1-800 BusyDog Basement Technologies to inspect the plumbing system in the house.

Flood Damage

Even if you don't live near the water or in an area where floods are a terribly common happening, you still could experience flood damage in the basement. A heavy storm could lead to water getting into the basement. You might think that the issues are over once the water is cleaned up, but mold could grow in those spaces. When you have any sort of flooding, hiring professionals to do the clean up is the right move.

Forgotten Food

Having friends over to watch the big game is certainly exciting, especially when you can escape down to the basement for a relaxing day free of the chores and other household hassles. However, food might get left behind. When you don't regularly spend a ton of time in the basement, you might not notice that the food has started to stink and grow mold. A thorough cleaning after parties is the way to prevent this issue.

Lack of Ventilation

A bathroom in the basement might not have the same ventilation as bathrooms on higher floors of the house. After you take a shower, leave the door open for a while so that the bathroom can air out. All of that moisture building up in the space can certainly lead to recurring problems with mold. Another option is to look into having ventilation professionally installed in the basement bathroom.

When you go down into your basement next, take a look around for signs of mold. Further, make preventative treatment a part of your maintenance routine.

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