Simple Habits To Stay Organized Everyday
Being organized isn’t a natural skill for most of us; it involves a willingness to change patterns you’ve stuck to for a long time. Keeping both your home and life in order is a daily practice, but it can be a difficult one to maintain, and it can take a few steps to adjust your behavior.
Here are simple habits to stay organized every day.
To-Do Lists
Having a schedule and to-do lists are vital when staying organized. Take a few minutes the night before to plan out the next work by prioritizing important events Planning your day out allows you to block off portions of time, so that an appointment or task won’t catch you by surprise and derail your day.
Regularly decluttering your home can be very helpful in staying organized. Streamline your home by decluttering in these ways:
Go through piles of papers and sort what is essential and what can be thrown out.
Donate books to streamline a cluttered bookcase. Do the same with records or video games overflowing from entertainment centers.
Discard old and expired medication that might be taking up space in your bathroom
Fold and hang clothing, and donate anything that hasn’t been worn in over a year.
Make Your Bed
Making your bed every morning helps to set up a small win to start a day. Taking this tiny by meaningful action will propel you into positive action. Don’t worry about doing it perfectly every morning; even just rearranging the blankets and pillows can help you start your day off on the right foot.
Designate Everything
Give every item in your house a home! Categorizing everything, even the little things, will simplify organizing. When you’re attempting to designate an item, ask yourself where you would most use it or where others in your household would search for it. This can take some clever and outside-of-the-box solutions, but be sure to properly store cleaning supplies and other corrosive items.
Point of Use
When you’re organizing your belongings, thinking about their purpose will help you decide where they live. Place things in drawers and cabinets with the most used in front to avoid creating frustration or confusion when searching for something.
With these simple habits to stay organized every day, you’ll keep your home and life in order!