Why You Should Call Beekeepers Instead of Exterminators

The transition from calling your new house a home is not easy, but there are a few things you can do.

If you have children or pets, finding a beehive can be extremely troubling. If you don’t remove the hive, bees can cause major damage to your home or continue to grow as a colony and pose a risk to your family’s health.

Your first impulse might be to pick up the phone and call your local exterminator, but this could be a major mistake. To learn more about why you should call beekeepers instead of exterminators, continue reading below.

Beekeepers will relocate the bees rather than kill them.

When most people need hives removed from their homes, they often don’t consider relocation versus pest control. However, choosing to relocate the bees rather than exterminate them is a highly impactful decision. When exterminators use chemicals to kill bees and break up hives, they kill a vital part of our ecosystem. Bees are some of the most significant pollinators on the planet, which means killing them is highly damaging to our gardens and our environment.

Instead, call a beekeeper to relocate the hive from your home to a new, safer location. Beekeepers are skilled at effectively removing bees from homes without killing or damaging sections of the hive. Beekeepers will transport hives to areas where they will be undisturbed while they continue pollinating.

Beekeepers can extract honey from hives.

Having a beehive in your home or backyard may feel like a curse, but bees can also offer you a delicious and beneficial gift: honey. Beekeepers are experts at safely extracting honey from beehives, and they can easily prepare this honey for consumption.

If you’ve never tasted raw, unfiltered organic honey, you’re in for a sweet treat. This syrup is intensely sweet, and you can use it for recipes, skin care masks, and home remedies.

Beekeepers use smokers, not chemicals.

<p>If you worry about the chemicals exterminators use to kill pests, then you’ll be happy to know that beekeepers avoid foreign chemicals altogether. Instead of spraying toxic mixtures at bees, beekeepers use beehive smokers to keep bees calm while they’re being extracted. These smokers emit small puffs of burning smoke from standard oil fuel to cover the alarm pheromones that bees send out during inspections. Beekeepers mostly use smokers if hives are more aggressive. These smokers are highly safe compared to most pest control chemicals.

Although finding a beehive in your home or backyard may be frightening, remember the reasons why you should call beekeepers instead of exterminators Beekeepers will successfully remove the bees from your home just as effectively as exterminators. However, beekeepers will also relocate the bees so that they can continue to live prosperous lives in our ecosystem.

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