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Guest Post - 9 Small Changes to Improve Your Daily Routine

Improving your daily routine is something many people find difficult. Between housework, a full-time job, and other responsibilities, there never seems to be enough time in the day. While everyone gets the same 24 hours in a day, some people are much more productive than others, thanks to their daily routines. 

Your daily routine doesn't have to be daunting, but it can improve how you use your time to make you more productive and fulfilled throughout the day. It does take some willpower, but with these small changes, you can improve your daily routine starting right now. 

1. Become More Efficient At Work

This one is easier said than done, especially if your work tasks are determined by someone else. However, if you're someone who struggles to determine which tasks should take priority and easily get distracted switching from task to task, you could benefit from becoming more organized to help you become more productive. You can use an online tool like Trello or a notebook to write down your work tasks for the day in order of priority and importance. 

You may also want to consider working on the tasks or projects that you want to do the least first. While it's never fun starting your day off with something you don't want to do, you can improve the rest of your day by getting the boring or irritating tasks out of the way. 

2. Stick to a Schedule

Whether you wake up at the same time every day or have a more flexible routine, it's important that you stick to the same schedule even when you have nowhere to go. Yes, even on weekends. For example:

  • 8 am - Wake up (don’t snooze you alarm

  • 8:15 am - Get ready for work (brush your teeth, wash your face, use your acne treatment or other skin care routine, and get dressed)

  • 8:45 am - Leave for work

  • 12 pm - Lunch

  • 5 pm - Leave work 

  • 5:30 pm - Go to the gym 

  • 7:00 pm - Eat dinner 

  • 10:00 pm - Get into bed (Note that maintaining a healthy sleep cycle can help you jumpstart your day and make you feel more awake.)

Your schedule might also include certain times when you don't use your electronics. For example, if you're working from 9-5, you may tell yourself not to check your texts unless it's an emergency so that you can focus on the tasks at hand. You may also want to stop using your cell phone before bed so that you can fall asleep easier. 

3. Get More Exercise 

Once you begin sticking to a schedule, making time for fitness will be easier as you get used to it. Set aside at least 30 minutes to one hour every single day to get in some exercise so that you can maintain your schedule and stay healthy. 

Simply put, physical exercise is good for you, but your workouts should be regular, if not daily. If you want to improve your mood and overall health, you should aim to exercise for 30 minutes to an hour every single day. 

4. Maintain Your Productivity

Whether you work in an office or at home, something as simple as a defined workspace can help you improve and maintain your productivity. Establish an area where you do your work and nothing else. Working from bed every day may trick you into thinking it's time to sleep, not time to work, which can negatively impact your overall productivity.

5. Eat Well

Just like exercise, food impacts your mood and overall feeling of wellness. A balanced diet can improve your brain function and memory, helping you remain productive throughout the day and elevating your mood. If you're someone who doesn't have time to eat breakfast every morning, try making a breakfast smoothie to jumpstart your day and provide you with an extra boost of energy and nutrients. 

6. Start Relaxing

We live in a fast-paced world, which may make you feel like you're constantly on the go. Taking a break to relax can help improve your daily routine by providing you with time for yourself. Whether you take an hour at lunch to eat a healthy meal or meditate, you won't regret it. Making time for yourself can help you feel refreshed so that you can get back to your day in a better mood. 

7. Reward Yourself

When you finish a big project or simply get through an especially stressful day, make sure to reward yourself. Rewarding yourself gives you something to always look forward to. You can even plan your rewards so that you know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals. Your rewards don't have to be lavish; Instead, try treating yourself with a good meal or buying something small you’ve been wanting.

Make sure the rewards fit the achievements. If you finished a large project, you might want to reward yourself with a spa day during the weekend so that you can focus on yourself after working so hard for so long. 

8. Drink More Water

Most of us drink caffeinated beverages to help us get through the day. Whether it's starting your day with an espresso or using soda as a pick-me-up after lunch, we typically replace our water with caffeinated and dehydrating beverages. If you've ever experienced brain fog, you likely haven't had enough water, or you haven't been eating balanced meals. 

Drinking water in the morning before work, throughout the day, and at night can help you feel more awake and alert, no matter how busy you are. 

9. Learn How To Multitask

By multitasking, we don't mean that you have to take care of three children while working a full-time job and cleaning your house. Instead, learn which tasks that you can do all at once so that you can save yourself some time. 

Multitasking doesn't have to be complicated; Start with simple tasks throughout the day until you get the hang of it. For example, you can eat breakfast at your desk while reading your emails every morning. The more often you multitask, the better you'll get at it, allowing you to save more time throughout the day. 

Final Thoughts

Your daily routine should lift you up so that you wake up feeling refreshed and can keep a positive attitude all day long. There’s no standard daily routine that works for everyone, but you can craft one that works for your circumstances. No matter what your daily routine, make sure that you stick with a schedule and make healthy choices morning, noon, and night. Once you get into the swing of it, you’ll see just how worthwhile the commitment is!

Matt Casadona

Matt Casadona has a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, with a concentration in Marketing and a minor in Psychology. He is currently a contributing editor for 365 Business Tips. Matt is passionate about marketing and business strategy and enjoys the San Diego life, traveling and music.