Got an Asphalt Driveway? How to Seal It up Properly
Many people make mistakes when sealing their driveways. Homeowners with asphalt driveways over-seal them, while those with concrete driveways do not seal their driveways at all. A sealed asphalt driveway appears fresh with a black finish, but you should seal the driveway at least once in two or three years. Frequent sealing of an asphalt driveway leads to peeling and an unsightly hairline. The following is a guide on the proper sealing of an asphalt driveway.
Small Cracks
An asphalt driveway with small potholes or cracks is easy to reseal, but it can be messy. To seal a small crack, begin by removing dirt or any plant matter from the crack using your garden tools. You can also use a wire brush to remove dirt from cracks. Purchase sealing products specially made for asphalt driveways for cracks of about an eighth of an inch.
Large Cracks
Repairing large potholes and cracks on asphalt driveways can be challenging. Before you seal a large hole, fix it first. A ½ inch crack can be covered with a liquid crack sealer. The sealer is available at a home improvement store near you; check the building materials section. Sealcoating of more enormous potholes and cracks is done using a cold patch, a type of asphalt sold in a bucket, can, or bag. If you have numerous potholes in your driveway such that you are consuming two or three buckets of cold patches, you should consider seeking the services of a professional.
How to Apply Cold Patch
Start by cleaning loose debris from the hole or crack. At an angle, chip away asphalt to make the crack bottom larger than at the surface level. This is the tricky part of sealcoating large cracks. The older asphalt rim at the crack surface will hold the patch together. Pour the cold patch into the crack until it is slightly higher than the adjacent driveway. Use a square tamping tool to tamp it down firmly. If you don’t have a tamping tool, place a plywood board above the patch and drive across it. Seal the edges with liquid crack filler.
It would be best if you resealed an asphalt driveway once every three years to protect them from oil damage and cracks. After sealing the driveway, give it time to cure, and remember to clean the surface before sealing. Place barriers at the driveway entrance and keep pets and children away for at least one day to allow the seal to cure.