3 Tips For Organizing Your Life So Household Chores Never Slip Through The Cracks
When you lead a busy life, it’s easy to let the more mundane things slip through the cracks or get put on the backburner. But in order to live your best life and feel like you can relax and unwind at home, you’re not going to want to let your home get too messy or disarrayed. So to help you find ways to keep up with this part of your life, here are three tips for organizing your life so household chores never slip through the cracks.
Do Certain Chores On Certain Days
As with most ways of organizing your life, what it really comes down to is creating habits that make it so your organization becomes almost second nature.
One great way to start this, according to Lisa Iannucci, a contributor to Care.com, is to designate certain chores for certain days of the week. For example, you could plan to clean your bathrooms on Wednesday, scrub your floors on Thursday, and do laundry over the weekend. By setting aside a specific day to tackle a specific household chore, you’ll be able to take on these chores in palatable bites rather than feeling overwhelmed by the amount of stuff you have to get done now.
Create A Buddy System
Another great way to keep yourself from forgetting to do your household chores is to make chores something that gets done with the buddy system.
According to Laura Vanderkam, a contributor to Fast Company, doing your chores with someone else in your household will make it so your chores take a shorter amount of time to complete and will ensure that more than one person is thinking about and being responsible for that chore getting done. This way, if you forget, your buddy can remind you and you can give each other encouragement to buckle down and get your jobs done.
Find Ways To Afford Help
If despite your best efforts you’re still consistently forgetting to get your household chores done or simply don’t have the time or energy to handle them, Nancy Schimelpfening, a contributor to Very Well Mind, suggests that you find a way to afford help in this area. For some, this might mean hiring someone else to help with the outside chores like landscaping while you take on the inside chores. For others, you may want to hire someone to come in and clean once a week or once a month in case you can’t get to it. So as long as you’re able to organize your budget and find enough excess that you can afford to hire some help, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with doing so.
If you’ve been having a hard time keeping up with your household chores, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you find a way to get this part of your life in better order.