7 Air Conditioning Mistakes to Avoid this Summer


Air conditioning systems are essential for escaping the unbearable heat of the summer. These devices not only circulate cool air throughout a home or office but can also improve the air quality by removing allergens and harmful bacteria. While it’s common practice to have your AC unit working in overdrive during hot weather, this isn’t the best approach for maintaining a reliable system. 

A broken-down air conditioner can create a very uncomfortable living and working environment. What’s more, repairs and replacement parts can be costly. Unfortunately, even the best ductless air conditioner is prone to breakdown if it isn’t maintained correctly. 

Every summer, people revert to bad habits relating to their AC systems. To keep yours in top condition this summer, here are some common mistakes to avoid. 

1. Using the Wrong Size Conditioning Unit

One of the golden rules of air conditioning is that bigger isn’t always better. A large AC unit might be capable of providing cool air throughout your space. However, an oversized unit may lack efficiency and encounter problems that can cost you in the long term. 

The main issue with a large unit is short cycling. This occurs because the overpowered system disperses cool air very quickly, reducing the temperature beyond the desired point. To compensate for the cold room temperature, the system switches itself off. This cycle repeats itself to maintain the temperature, causing the unit to work harder and less efficiently.

If the AC unit is undersized, it will have to work extra hard to cool the room. Despite running excessively, your home may never reach the desired temperature, meaning your high utility bills don’t necessarily mean a cooler home.

The best way to find a conditioning unit of an appropriate size is to have a load test carried out. This helps determine the cooling capacity and energy needs of your space. You can also estimate the BTUs required to cool your space by calculating the square footage and ceiling height and inputting the measurements into a BTU calculator. 

2. Setting the Temperature Too Low


A common tactic for air conditioner owners is to drop the thermostat settings way down to reduce the temperature quickly. While this can be tempting when your home is overwhelmingly hot, it doesn’t cool the space any faster; it puts unnecessary strain on the unit and causes energy waste. 

Whether you set the AC temperature to 65°F or 80°F, it cools and disperses air at the same rate. However, setting a lower temperature causes the system to continue working after the room reaches the ideal temperature. The result is a cold house, increased waste, and a higher utility bill. 

To prevent your home from getting too hot, invest in a smart single zone mini split system. This allows you to program your device for a time of your choosing. Some systems even allow for remote access and control using a mobile app.

3. Poor Placement of the Outdoor Unit and Thermostat

The location of the outdoor unit and the thermostat has a major effect on efficiency. Neither component should be placed close to any source of heat or cold, including direct sunlight, a radiator, a window, or an appliance. 

For the outdoor unit, a shaded area is optimal. This placement allows it to operate efficiently without absorbing additional heat from the sun. However, the device also needs space for ventilation. Remove leaves, shrubs, or other obstructions from around it. 

If the thermostat is placed near a heat source or heat-emitting appliance, it may cause inaccurate readings. This throws off the AC system, leading to a poorly temperature-controlled home. 

4. Ignoring Maintenance 

Air conditioners require regular maintenance to operate efficiently and to minimize the effects of wear and tear. Air filters need to be changed frequently to maintain efficiency and air quality. Filters are relatively cheap and easy to replace. They can also be cleaned to increase longevity.

Read the owner's manual of your unit to determine what maintenance is required. Some units need filter changes monthly, while others need filter replacements once every six months. 

As a general rule, you should have your air conditioning system professionally serviced once per year. A qualified HVAC technician can perform routine maintenance and advise you on ways to run your unit more efficiently.

5. Running Your Air Conditioner Inefficiently 


Running your system incorrectly reduces its efficiency and negatively impacts the condition of the unit. Many air conditioner owners leave their device running at a set temperature for extended periods to maintain a desirable home temperature, including when they are away. Although this may keep your home cool, it wastes energy and increases utility bills. 

The most efficient way to run your AC system is to turn your thermostat up when you’re away from home. Although the building will heat up during this period, it reduces waste and keeps your system in better condition for longer. 

Many modern systems are programmable, allowing you to time your temperature adjustments for when you are occupying the house. Smart appliances can be controlled remotely using an app so you can lower the temperature just before you arrive home.

6. Opening Windows

Some of the main reasons behind poorly functioning AC systems are ventilation-related. Open windows and exhaust fans are sources of air loss, which influences the temperature of a space. Air conditioners work on the basis that a room is properly sealed. 

Ensure your windows are closed and exhaust fans are switched off when running your air conditioner. For maximum efficiency, get an energy audit to determine if certain windows or doors are problematic. 

7. Not Using Fans

If your conditioner is struggling to circulate cool air effectively, it may be damaged, worn, or undersized. The best thing to do in this scenario is to have your unit inspected by a professional HVAC technician. However, repairs, replacement parts, or full system replacements can be expensive. If you require a temporary solution, fans can be useful.

Portable or ceiling fans are useful for dispersing air evenly around a space. This creates a more comfortable environment and takes pressure off the AC system.

Don’t Ignore Air Conditioning Problems

There are plenty of ways to maintain an efficient HVAC system. Routine checks, maintenance, and servicing help keep air quality high and energy waste low. No matter how diligent you are with maintenance, however, certain issues are unavoidable. If you detect an issue with your system, don’t ignore it. 

Minor problems are often cheap and easy to solve, but they can lead to more invasive and expensive solutions when left unsolved. Take care of your appliance and avoid common mistakes with your unit this summer.

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