The Advantages of Using Tempered Glass for Your Home

We have been using glass as a building material for our homes for a long time.


We use glass primarily for windows at home, but we have since been using them for doors, interior partitions, shower enclosures, and stair rails, among other things.

The most commonly used type of glass in homes is annealed glass. Also referred to as standard or plate glass, annealed glass is a popular choice mainly because it tends to be cheaper.

However, you might want to consider tempered glass instead the next time you need to replace a glass window, door, or partition at home. 

Many residential and commercial glass providers recommend tempered glass for home use because it offers several advantages over standard glass, including:

Unmatched Strength and Durability

Tempered glass is reputed to be four times stronger than annealed glass.

Making tempered glass requires heating glass to 600 degrees Celsius, then cooling it through “quenching,” a rapid and high-pressure process that gives the finished product much of its strength.

While it takes 6,000 pounds per square inch (psi) to break annealed glass, tempered glass is proving tougher to break at around 24,000 psi.

If your home is located in an area regularly battered by strong winds, tempered glass would be an excellent choice. 

Enhanced Safety

Glass will always break, regardless of how tough it’s supposed to be. 

Even supposedly “bulletproof” (the more accurate term is “bullet-resistant”) glass eventually breaks when struck by bullets repeatedly in the same spot or hit by higher-caliber firearms.

When standard glass breaks, anyone close by is at risk of sustaining deep cuts because of the resulting sharp and jagged shards. Cleaning up the mess could also prove difficult and risky, as even the tiniest pieces can break the skin.

No such risk is present with tempered glass.

Instead of producing deadly pieces of broken glass, tempered glass shatters into hundreds of dull, harmless pebble-like pieces when it breaks.

Making tempered glass even safer when it breaks is the fact that all its shattered pieces interlock with one another, which means they mostly stick together, making it so much easier to clean up.

The safety that tempered glass provides makes it ideal for homes with energetic kids who are at risk of accidentally breaking glass fixtures at home and injuring themselves.

Better Heat Resistance

Regular glass breaks or gets bent out of shape when regularly exposed to high temperatures.

However, tempered glass has a much higher tolerance for heat, thanks to the unique process it goes through during production. 

Tempered glass can withstand temperatures of up to 243 degrees Celsius, which makes it perfect for use in the hotter-than-usual parts of your home, like the kitchen and the bathroom.

Crystal Clear Clarity

Some might think that the process of producing stronger tempered glass affects the clarity of the finished product, but it doesn’t.

Every pane of tempered glass coming out of the factory is crystal clear, making them perfect for windows, doors, cabinets, and display cases.

Improved Scratch Resistance

One of the more annoying things about regular glass is that they scratch easily. Glass panes with visible scratches don’t look good in any setting and are often a reason for some homeowners to replace them altogether.

On the other hand, tempered glass is better at resisting scratches, thanks to the process that makes it thermally tough. If you use tempered glass for glass doors, windows, and display cabinets, you can rest easy, knowing they will remain crystal clear and scratch-free for a long time.

Creative Versatility

While homeowners generally prefer the crystal-clear quality that tempered glass offers, there are homeowners who go for a bit more creativity in its look.

Fortunately for them, tempered glass can also come in a variety of designs, patterns, colors, and styles.

Frosted tempered glass is popular, and so is the stained variety. Some homeowners want their tempered glass panes engraved as well.

Whatever your creative preferences and needs, you can be sure that there are tempered glass panes to suit them.

The Best Applications For Tempered Glass

Tempered glass is quite versatile, as you can use it for any part of your home. 

It’s great for windows, patio doors, walls, balcony enclosures, and stairway landings.

Tempered glass would also be excellent for shower partitions or bathroom doors. After all, the risk of slipping and falling is always present in the bathroom. With tempered glass doors, the likelihood of suffering cuts when they break would be minimal.

The next time you shop for glass panes to use at home, always remember to ask your home glass provider about tempered glass and its superior characteristics. 

Tempered glass may be more expensive than regular glass, but its advantages, particularly regarding safety, make the added cost worth it.

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