Plumbing Problems That Only Professionals Should Handle
A lot of us like to consider ourselves pretty handy. Our homes are ours, and if there’s a problem with them, we think we can handle fixing it ourselves. In a lot of cases, this is true. However, some home problems require a more experienced hand. Plumbing problems are one such case. Your home’s plumbing is a delicate system. So, you should be wary of messing with it. Here are some plumbing problems that only professionals should handle. Knowing about them will help you figure out when to call for help.
Leaky Pipes
A leaky pipe can seem like something you could repair yourself. But if you attempt to fix it, you’ll realize how much effort it takes to go deep into your walls to fix it. Depending on your pipes, you may even need to weld the pipe closed again, which is dangerous. You’ll also have to deal with possible mold spots that are hazardous to your health if you don’t take proper precautions.
Water Heater Problems
Water heaters are extremely fickle by nature. If you have any issue with your water heater, know that it’s a plumbing problem that only a professional should handle. An attempt to fix a water heater can end poorly in a multitude of ways. Save yourself the hassle and possible hospital bills and find some good help instead.
Burst Pipes
A burst pipe is even direr than a leaky one. Pipe bursts can lead to significant flooding and property damage unless you deal with them quickly. As a result, they aren’t problems you should play around with. If you find a ruptured pipe in your home, call an emergency plumber immediately. They’ll be able to deal with the problem and help you prevent another burst in the future.
Sewer Line Clogs
Sewer line clogs are some of the least pleasant plumbing problems to deal with and aren’t the kinds of clogs you’ll be able to undo with a little bit of drain clearing fluid. If all the drains in your house clear slowly, you may have a problem with your sewer line. Because this is much deeper than your normal pipes, a professional plumber specialized in clearing drains will be your best bet to deal with this issue.
Low Water Pressure
Having low water pressure is definitely annoying, but there are so many possibilities that could cause low pressure. To pinpoint the real problem, you’ll need to have a keen eye come in and figure it out. These problems will require a more serious solution than most DIYers can provide. Therefore, you’ll want to get in contact with a plumber no matter what.