4 Signs You Need the Pipes Replaced in Your Home's Plumbing System

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If your home is starting to age and has not been renovated in quite a few years, you may start noticing some things that indicate your plumbing system may be in need of some TLC. This is particularly true of your home's pipes, which can often display signs that they need to be replaced. But if you don't know what to look for, you may not pay attention until you've got a major repair job on your hands. To make sure you know when it's time to replace your home's pipes, here are four common signs that will tell you it's time to contact a plumbing professional.

Yellow Sediment in Water

If you start noticing flashes of yellow in your water, this is likely yellow sediment that is present in your water due to the interior of your pipes starting to rust. Along with it being only a matter of time before a break occurs, the sediment could also pose various health problems for you and your family.

Pipe Leakage

Should you start having certain parts of your home's plumbing system that are experiencing one leak after another, it is probable that your pipes have sprung a leak. If you start having this problem, don't ignore it. If you do, it may not be long before you are calling a plumber to help you after a room gets flooded.

A Very Old Home

If you have purchased a home that is perhaps around 100 years old, there is a very good chance it may still contain some lead pipes within its plumbing system. If it does, this is a serious health hazard for you and others, since water coming from such pipes can contain traces of lead, which can be fatal. If you think your home contains lead pipes, have your plumbing system inspected by experienced plumbers and replaced.

Damp and Stained Walls

If your home's walls, particularly in and around your kitchen and bathroom, start to become stained and damp, you probably have pipes that have rusted to the point where they are leaking. Since these areas of your home are sometimes prone to dampness, have any unusual stains checked out by plumbers to determine the problem and replace your old pipes.

By knowing what to look for that may indicate your pipes need to be replaced, you can have the repairs done before a small problem becomes a much bigger and more costly repair job.

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